Friday, June 12, 2009

Rainy Day Computer

What is it about rain that makes the kiddos want to be on the computer? Well, 2 days in a row, they are liking the new section of PBSKIDS.ORG titled kids island. It has some reading, sentence structure practice and sorting. Quite colorful and kid-ready, thay enjoyed it! Registration is required, but free. Kids earn tickets after completing tasks, and exchange them for prizes. Of course, looking at this picture I had on hand, the computer was showcasing Popeye. A vintage fav with the Toddler.

Math brought use of manipulatives. Combinations of addition and subtraction in story problems today. Paired with reading, Student is on her way to a familiar schedule of homeschooling. As this is our goal before the new addition arrives for our family in September. By then, I will surely come to know my favorite quote by heart, and have experience that brings it home:
"God has educated my children in spite of my efforts." Lisa Crabtree.

Summer Pupil: We did some art, and we get to be on the computer. That's all. You can write that the colors of the manipulatives are helping me.

Student Take: I like reading. I like to do math. One thing I like using in math, is our cubes that help us. The colors of them are very pretty. One thing I call when you use color cubes in math: rainbow math!
