Friday, February 26, 2010

Final Friday

Reaping blessings from above, the Homeschool welcomed gifts delivered from Mrs. Val and dug right in!

Student thought it was fun to BOGGLE as did Warrior...who could hardly turn around with his smile fast enough to reveal his spelling accomplishment, while wearing his shirt inside-out, we are so proud! Growing and gaining in knowledge and admonition of the Lord each day.

Also opening the Bible Dominoes and Princess addition flashcards, our box of goodies is just beginning to open! It also holds much of the needed curriculum needed for Warrior's Preschool next year. Could God be hinting at Homeschool again for next year! Can't wait to pray that we will let Him establish the work of our hands, and see what comes next!

So wonderful how Final Friday is one of our scheduled days to serve, when all we could do this week was open the door to all whom God brought over to serve us! Once again, our plans are NEVER as wonderful as His!

Psalm 20:4
"May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."

Thursday: Feet on the Ground

It felt good.
She had been awaiting life apart from her sick couch.
Her hopes for time away from the nebulizer were being realized.
It was just a little too much a little too soon!

That fist indoor soccer practice of her life
was too curious to miss, so Student went out and about and ran and dribbled and learned more about soccer than her brain has ever known. It was the wheezing afterward that brought our attention to the time still needed for a first grade set of lungs to recover from a week of illness.

And with the increase in energy and the voiced desire for food, Student was displaying multiple signs that God's time is now approaching restored health. Hard to keep a sick Student down when the medicine is at work, and so she began anaerobic activity instead, like paper weaving...

And onto other projects and games, Student hopped around and rejoiced in the day the Lord had made.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wednesday Wandering

From room to room in the homeschool, we are wandering around looking for each child's labeled mouthpiece for a treatment, and checking the chart twice...
yes, we've hit an all-time new and un-charted sick experience:
3 sick, multiple meds each, and so we must enter the land of nursedom and keep charts. Auntie Ang would be so proud, and probably hysterical over our organizational attempts!

Through it all, once again, God has brought hope through Warrior. As he was out playing with Principal in the minutes of Winter sunshine, he found some beauty and thought of Student...

The promise given and always kept, by our Father in Heaven, that a new season is approaching, and the Crocus was the tangible evidence. Out with the old and in with the new!

Isaiah 43:19
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday News

Still sick.
Still looking for love and faithfulness from above, in our plans for good...
and God brought His love and faithfulness through Toddler today.
Really, the past 2 days he has been more than a Toddler.
His big sis is sick, and so he must step up be a helper in more ways than usual.

And so as many great men in the Bible under-go a name change after God is revealed through their life, so must Toddler: Warrior!

He's a strong helper, in his own way. With the director if Homeschool down with illness, Student, he has more opportunity to call the shots,
direct plans
and be BIG!

From dishes, helping with Mascot, picking games to play, to hunting for supper game, this Toddler has proven not-so-childish anymore. His ways of a growing boy are more obvious than ever, and it's just another eye-opening experience through out IV fluids, breathing treatments, and blood draws, that God is showing His love and faithfulness. Thank you Lord, that you are raising up a Warrior among the Homeschool. Goodbye Toddler, welcome Warrior!

Make a DIfference Monday

Could we be more surprised?
Our best laid plans...
plans for a Make a Difference Monday, were redirected!

Proverbs 14:22b
"...But those who plan what is good
find love and faithfulness."

It was to be a day of spectacular Homeschool occasions gifting love to others in the name of Christ, what else could make a Monday so worthwhile? Student had been up sick throughout the night, Toddler was finishing his cough and antibiotics, and Mascot couldn't sleep for his chronic cough. So, the day began early and unhealthy, we had high hopes for a turnaround. Rather, He had plans for finding opportunity in trial. Our plans for good, were re-routed for His plans for good.

Principal took on Mascot's ear infection and pneumonia, Toddler's Albuterol-enhanced energy, and Student's pneumonia and sinus infection ALL TOGETHER, so Teacher could go to the Dr. to check for a sinus infection and foot injury.

Alone and reading, Teacher found much time to listen to the surrounding conversations with the lack of children present. It was then, that Christ broke-in and brought love to the Homeschool and the computer showed a credit on Teacher's billing account. Simultaneously, a patient next to Teacher was informing the receptionist that he didn't have the payment for his visit could he bring it next month. The EXACT amount credited in Teacher's account was the EXACT amount due in the man's account that he didn't have available to pay. It was then that Teacher wrote a checl for the EXACT amount with the man's name in the memo and handed it to the receptionist and said that it was for Jesus on Mondays, the the Homeschool focuses on others, and apply it to his account, please...

Far above the kleenex,
far higher than the amount of Albuterol tubes emptied,
and more meaningful than our plans for good,
our God-arranged Make a Difference Monday was just the encouragement and distraction from sickness we needed to be reminded of the love and faithfulness of our Father in Heaven. He loves us, will take care of us, and provide for us. It's a promise NEVER broken!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Family Friday

It's true, the end of the week came. We knew it was around the corner, and since the New Jerusalem has not been established in the between time, the Homeschool has continued.

Making time for books and papers before Grammie took over Student and Toddler for the night, this was our master plan.

Look, and see, that the Midwest was almost absent of wind today, and that calls for a celebration: Family Friday!

From living room pool games and getting-along...

to the park for a slide...

through the mud to Mrs. Sarah's farm...

amidst the kittens and clouds...

It was here, on this day, that the Homeschool united with one another and Christ.
Thanks be to God the Father, creator of enduring love.

Thursday Thumbnails

As a legal record for our midwest state, we keep our homeschool records here, thanks Blogger.
And knowing Teacher all-too-well, if this blog were on paper, it'd be in 27 places at once, right now. Thus, one would conclude that the organization of the Homeschool would be better kept in cyberspace... but alas, not all of our doings can make it there. Teacher can only recall what happened by looking at the pictures because Toddler is finding every paper possible to wad into a baseball, and at the same point in time, Student is drawing on every available paper and folding airplanes... so as to where the notes of learning accomplished went to for Thursday, we will never know!

The picture evidence is as follows:

Teacher remembers early morning target practice at the front door, with the world's largest orange rubber band...

Teacher has fixed in her mind the lesson of the phonetic alphabet while simultaneously shooting pool...

Teacher recalls asking Student to read to Toddler as Mascot was nursed...and a faint memory of calmness was detected for the 30 minutes following their reading as the two disappeared upstairs to play reading-motivated airplanes...

Somewhere after violin lesson and during the quiet of Toddler's nap, Teacher walked past Student curling up in a chair for a chapter of Mattie Mae...

Teacher witnessed the smile on a face when giving Toddler a minute of photography opportunity...

Teacher sees the beauty of the Lord and rests in His promise to bring a new season, as well as rhyme and reason to our Homeschool.

Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Midweek Rocketeer

Yes, the Homeschool met it's goal of finishing seatwork and learning-on-paper before noon, so the afternoon could be set aside for outdoor rocketeering! Go us!

We began the day with breakfast and History at the table. Principal listened to Student read 3 sections! And with his ears and eyes amazed..Student read right through "...summoning the officer and his guard...anxiously they returned to Jerusalem...the distinguished men were amazed at the wisdom and understanding of the child at only twelve..." If Teacher could have read so well in first grade, there may have been an actual enjoyment developed of reading! God has truly blessed this generation with more than we can know!

Amidst Student's seatwork in Phonics, the rockets began to take shape. Beginning from an attachment formed by Toddler to a rocket set at a metropolis bookstore, last week, our promises of creating a homeschool rocket took shape today.

After all was complete... WAIT ...come and see how the Mascot laughs... that was the call from Toddler and Student from the nursery. We found them batting baby fabric blocks intoMascot's face, and he was indeed laughing about it! What a united set of siblings! Getting them together and on the same page of creativity happens more than before we began the obedient journey of homeschooling. All praise to God for the times of peace and unity, not by our workings do they love one another.

Before we get back to the great outdoors...
√ Finish the introduction to George Washington
√ Complete a map of the US during his administration (while Teacher nursed Mascot and so the prevailing map was a bit mixed-up, but full effort was put forth, it's just that Teacher needs to learn the EXACT shapes or print a copy of the states before setting Student free to complete such a task...)
√ Violin practice
√ Phonics seatwork
√ Math calendar review

All thoroughly enjoyed the experiment, and though Teacher and Principal taught of the solid and liquid reaction creating a gas.. the experiment never lifted the rocket off of the ground! Maybe next time, we should tell the instructions to include MEASUREMENTS of the ingredients!?

So, Student and Toddler settled for the ol' Mentos and Coke reaction:
exploding soda to new heights was just as much of a blast! The reaction being visible with the naked eye helped Toddler and Student get it.

As for the clean-up? Weather man says God's planning showers and light snow tomorrow night...Thanks, Lord.

Finishing up the afternoon outside in the sun... just for fun!

Principal aiding in the learned new skill: Heeley hand-me-downs...

as the smiles from Mascot were just enough to remind us that everyday is a day the Lord has made, with or without sun! Though, honestly, we are praising Him for the presence of the sun today!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, Really?

Opening up the books, again, the Homeschool
read of the birth of Jesus, the shepherd's visitation
in the stable and the arrival to the temple with baby Jesus.
Toddler always gets excited for the temple story
from Luke ch.2. Even with his vitamin C,
kleenex, water, medicine and sneezes close by he enjoyed hearing of Simeon.
And for the rest of History, we will catch up to George Washington this week.
Curriculum catch-up is the name of the game!

Student had a tough violin practice today. She is working so diligently to get through this working piece before she meets for her private lesson with Mrs. S on Thursday.

She is determined, and her fingers will prevail. This video gives the first line of her working piece: May Song. It always helps the Homeschool to think of May...cuz summer's on the way!

New to violin practice is the volume chart. Mrs. S drew up this pretty paper for Student, and just had to include PURPLE! Well, it's a great help in learning the Italian terms and remembering to look for such clues in her music.

Aside from review and seatwork in Math, Student joined Principal for some hoops at the Rec Center. We all are resting on the promise of warmer weather tomorrow! Provided God brings it, we'll be out in it!

Mascot enjoyed a naptime read with Toddler: The Relatives Came, from Gramma S2. Really, this book gives more laughter and fun than a winding-down naptime story should...but Toddler especially picked it out.

Toddler learned all about fighting-fires today, with his favorite video from Grandmother. He has seen this teaching-tool countless times, so Teacher quizzed him on his findings.

Teacher: What did you learn about fire fighters today?
Toddler: Everything! All about fires.
Teacher: Who fights fires?
Toddler: I do! I have my very own fire suit!
Teacher: But you haven't gone to school to learn about fighting fires. Would you like to do that when you are grown?
Toddler: Yes!
WHEW! No arguments that the Homeschool needed to teach fire science, so all is settled, now!

Make a DIfference Monday

Setting aside all learning from books,
the Homeschool set out for a roadtrip.
A restoration of friendship.

What is eternal? Let us ask ourselves today,
and focus on such things of everlasting proportions.

Thank you Heavenly Father for showing us Your
love in many ways, and through our friendships
especially on this day. As a friend loves at all times,
help us to do so. Amen.

Holiday Friday

Yes, to fun and friends!

No, to books and seatwork!

It's a Homeschool Valentine Party with the works...

Paper bouquets & Valentine Cards
for the elderly at church.

Cookies for decorating and digesting.

Hearts for arrow target practice.

LHOP's Town Party, Country Party episode.

Prizes for winning.

A Pinata of lovely appearance created by Leslie. WOW! Art has new meaning
and taste today! Thanks to all for a grande celebration! Thanks to God for
party weather!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday: Found

Not only did the Homechool find another day given from our Father to attempt learning again, but we located our LOST illustrated Bible! Atop the Principal's desk, where else should it be?! On the other hand, we had to lift the covering debris, and usually this task doesn't even rate on the day's priority list, so not until we HAD to make room to type did we uncover it!

And so we began the New Testament, and read of the pregnancies of both Elizabeth and Mary. Toddler was just sure that when his day comes to have a baby, it will be in his tummy with room to leap like John. We'll see just what plans for good God holds for Toddler. And not to put our awesome God into a box, we just think it's NOT likely to include pregnancy. That funny boy brings smiles to every lesson he partakes of!

Activity wore out Student and Toddler, to the point of playing NIGHTTIME at the rec center today. After much ball-dribbling, stroller-pushing and sibling-chasing, they resolved to lay with coats and Mascot's blanket in the center court.

It was Mascot who slept in cute company: twin girls of the calmest kind. Maybe it was the lingering sickness, that kept them contented and quiet...but those raisin-eating babes were great baby-talkers to Mascot!

Student completed chapter 2 in Mattie Mae. It was the title of the second chapter that Student related to: Uncle Tobe. He was a good story-teller, according to Mattie Mae. Guess Student will just have to inquire to Uncle Toby if he has the same talent!

Completing Math seatwork somewhere in the middle of the day, it was a welcomed one-page day for Student!

Finishing up with Phonics, Mascot babbled the sounds right back to Student. Wonder what his first word will be?!

Continuing the preparation for Friday's Vday party, the Homeschool had some still-needed items from the store. Student created the list and we followed it:
pipe cleaners
glitter foam paper
trinket prize
Student and friends will create some sweet gifts of love for our church pal shut-ins. Can't wait for the fun of pinata and cookie decorating all wrapped into a Friday afternoon! May we feel the overwhelming love of God lavished upon us this Vday, and everyday. Amen.

Wednesday Wandering

The perfect chapter book has been written, and Student now holds it in her precious hands! Mattie Mae is a welcome addition to the Homeschool library. After months of searching through chapter books full of catty-girl behaviors, boy-focused school days and selfish sibling-disrespect, Teacher befriended Mattie Mae.

Student was delighted with the new reading material and sat to read the first chapter, immediately cuddling beside Mascot in Teacher and Principal's bed, and beginning chapter 1: Here's Mattie.

Reading aloud of a first-grade Amish girl and her lessons of respecting others, accepting differences in others and loving family, Student recorded her findings in her journal.
Who: Mattie, Hannah, Mom, Mammy, Lizbet, Brother Benjy
What: had to walk on a cold day to pay
Where: poor family...(wondering if Student interpreted where as were...anyhow...)
When: don't know
Why: had to pay Hannah

And with the welcome subtraction of yet another tooth, Student studied the intricate God-design of teeth! Seeing how far up the front teeth have to come down, increased her patience in waiting for her next adult tooth to show itself. Good ol' Science bringing patience, got to give God credit for that! Science for Toddler, however, is aching for some rocket action! He's been asking about making a rocket, so we'll give it a try before the week ends. Maybe it'll be the boy part of our Vday party. Who wouldn't want to see the love rocket blast off?!

Toddler also piped up with excitement about the library puppet show today. We traveled the 1/2 mile there and were laughing out loud through the whole presentation! When Mascot wasn't chewing his shoe, he found pleasure in the puppet action, too. Student laughed louder than anyone in the audience! Maybe she is related to Teacher?!

Toddler spent time preparing his newest-learned verse for Awana. Yes, he said it alright, but it was the scavenger hunt in the apple tree practice that brought him to life! Asked to find 3 specific objects and return them to the dump truck, He didn't have to go far because every item Teacher prompted him to look for was right on the floor! That's where they are easiest to find, but not easiest to dodge when rushing to the bathroom. However, when he was instructed to see if he could put them away fester than he retrieved them, he in fact mastered that by dumping the truck right back onto the floor. Yep, that's the floor's life here at the Homeschool.

We just kick the mess out of the camera lens to help encourage our homeschool documenting. This blog is a record of our daily learning, that is required by the state. Teacher records the accomplishments and praises the God of second-chances along the way! It's the discouraging times we leave behind each day so as NOT to be overwhelmed with each new day we are given to try, try again. Thanks to God for His new mercies every morning, without them, the Homeschool would fail. Amen, He is good!

Student spent much of the afternoon hours of Toddler's nap as a Design Consultant. She aided Principal in the latest freelance project for an upcoming midwest run. She told Principal her thoughts on the color schemes and NOT to change certain elements, and they cooperated in the work.

It was Math that needed the extra pick-me-up today. Student decided to spice-up her seatwork by checking for Principal's gene that may have been passed on to her: ambidexterity.

Disappointed with the fruit-filled chocolate pieces, they laid and witnessed a successful experiment. Two-handed Math!

Tuesday, Really?

Yes, the name of which day this post pertains to must be in the header because we are behind in posting! So, back to Tuesday...

Student is continuing her studies of the ocean. The creature of focus was the majestic angelfish. Student learned:
The fish grows bigger in the ocean. It is smaller in a tank. A kid angelfish is about 2 1/2 inches. They live by the coral reef, but not by Florida. You have to go to Australia to the Indian Ocean. The natural habitat God designed is warm saltwater. Is my natural habitat a belly?
Teacher: Well, we were created for a far better place than this!
Student: Oh yeah! So my natural habitat is heaven?! Then this isn't my home?! Good. That's really good to know.
Teacher: Amen!

The majestic angelfish swam over to the subject of Art as well. Student is learning about portraits and drawing something how it looks through your eye, as closely to the way appears in real life. But, Teacher used the word DRAW only and didn't specify that COLORING is included. Thus, Student produced a colorful angelfish indeed, just not acurate to the design of God. That's when we remembered that this life is preparation for Heaven and maybe God's preparing her to be a fish designer in Heaven! We all know the world could use more pink and purple, so why not begin the revamping in Art?! GO STUDENT!

In preparation for Valentine's Friday Party, Student made cards for our homeschool pals that will be coming over to celebrate. Her leftover paper scraps and goodies were from her Art time with Mrs. Nancy. What a blessing! How many times can God go before us and set the details in a row? Keep it up, Lord! We are thankful for Your constant care!

That ever-present angelfish also jumped out of the water and into Biology! No, we usually don't study multiple types of Science, today just happened! Student was amazed at God's intricate design of cells. How can people be deceived and think we just happened? Our conversation was of her new vocab:

And, thanks to God above, violin is back and harder than ever! Student is being challenged with note reading and this is a whole different dimension of practice, and time, that Teacher never even saw coming! So, we ask for our Father's care in creating time for each of the tasks He has planned for this and every day! Amen.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Make a DIfference Monday

Thanks KLOVE!
The Homeschool had a memorable day that wasn't about us...

1st- The Homeschool prepared lunch for the missionaries of New Jerusalem Ministries.
They do work for the glory of Christ allover the globe, and we wanted to thank them for loving in His name. They are an encouragement to us. Student told them so with her handmade card quoting her latest scripture fav: I John 4:14 and
Lentil Soup with Lime Cheese Topping
Wheat Oat Bread
Fruit Salad
No-Bake Cookies

2nd- Student had the opportunity to sit-in and be a guienea pig for our fav paper artist Mrs. Nancy. They went through the valentine activities that Mrs. Nancy will teach this week to the local 4H-ers. All creativity is given by the Creator. And the invention of paper just proves it!

3rd- Teacher had the opportunity to interpret a funeral service. Well, interpret a song. Well, there were no persons deaf in attendance...but that's exactly how God began the story.

Years ago, Teacher interpreted sign for a church friend whom is deaf. One particular Sunday when the friend was absent, Teacher was asked to sign I CAN ONLY IMAGINE as the band played. So, feeling quite Napolean Dynomite-ish, Teacher did complete the request anyway.
It was that same Sunday that a sweet older Mrs. Doris felt the beauty of the Lord through the signing and requested from that day on that it be done at her funeral service. To God be the Glory, even when it is uncomfortable for us!

We are learning at the Homeschool: It is not about us!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Fancy Friday

Actually, Saturday was fancy too, because we didn't complete our Friday fanci-fying until then!

Student completed a book report on one of her chosen library books today.
Fancy Nancy"s Tea Party gave directions for all of the goodies and fancies of hosting one's very own tea party!
Student's Report as follows:
Title: Fancy Nancy
Setting: Tea Party
Main Character: Nancy
Favorite Part: Tea for Two
Nancy is one of my favorite characters because she is fancy. My new fancy words from this book are ensemble & etiquette. I already knew etiquette from golf, but now it means more.

Student drew a space in her room that was NOT currently fancy and then finished the report by deciding how to fancify that space...and the winner is...her bed!

We began with a pile of stashed upcycle fancies and hot pink tulle that Principal and Student picked up while grocery shopping together. Mascot thoroughly enjoyed the thrift store embroidery hoop!

Truthfully, the report finished it's fancy efforts on Saturday, but Student was just as happy with her canopy. It's like a real pink castle!

In Toddler school, counting was the popular practice. Sticking to counting by ones, he decided to try to count all of the swirls on the step stool.

Delighting at the texture, Mascot joined right in! And after they counted with boyish raucous, they loved on eathother with boyish roughness. Toddler says Mascot thinks his hair is spaghetti and that's why Mascot keeps trying to fit it in his mouth!

Math connected Student's time-telling and fraction knowledge. To Teacher's surprise, the quarter after, and quarter til language brought this understanding to Student: Ok, so 15x4=60?
Seriously, it's NOT the great teacher, it's the great Creator of the brain!

Beyond the doors of Homeschool, pedals were pumping and riders were rambling. Racing here and there, the freezing temps were no match for Student and Toddler today. However, the lack of Midwest wind, was the grace of God supplying perfect energy-burning conditions!

Phonics and Language filed in with steady seatwork, and we called it a week! Looking forward to Make a difference Monday and the plans He has in store for us!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Off the Ground

8:45 am mass exodus from the Homeschool to the Rec Center, led us into the rainy snow.

From there to the grocery store, we added balloons to our load.

Onto Grandmother's for a playdate with little visitor, all went smoothly with the aide of popsicles and Andy Griffith.

Looping around to the Library, we found sweet Brighton and Mrs. H ready for play, too!

Rebooting the crew, we slid over to violin lesson with Mrs. S and her stocking hat.

Forgetting the books on the library counter which Student gathered for checkout, and remembering this after crossing the tracks for home...we trotted backward to find ourselves blocked by two trains...
skip counting cars and reviewing calendar numbers, Teacher came to the realization that the day was mostly over.

All in a day: togetherness, playtime and breathing. Homechool was out of it's element and loved every busy motion about it today. Thanks for a new perspective, Jesus. As it was Your day when it began, still is it Yours as we say goodnight.

Reading Away

Beginning Student's History lesson upstairs, away from the rowdiness of the boys, Student reviewed Abe Lincoln facts and moved on to Thomas Jefferson facts. Listing all the "L" words that related to Lincoln, Student emtied her brain onto the paper:
Log cabin

As for Jefferson, our skip, hop and leap, leaving us with the third president of the United States, Student contructed this map detailing the continuing of Manifest Destiny during Jefferson's years. Eying the years 1801-1809, and quickly figuring that it was 8 years, Student remarked:
Oh, so he served twice.

It was upstairs that Student planned on learning QUIETLY away from boys...then we heard them having SCHOOL upstairs as well...

Boy school, schmoy school! Where can the girls of the world be free from boydom?! Mascot isn't counted in the boywar, as of yet. But joining forces with Toddler, he did enjoy reading in their bedroom. All Things That Fly, was another recent thrift store book find. Toddler picked an X-15 for the day's learning.

Teacher: Do you know what this supersonic rocket is made of?
Toddler: No.
Teacher: Metal:Nickel.
Toddler: Ask me again, Mom. Again!
Teacher: What metal is this rocket made from?
Toddler: Quarters!

And how does Toddler read, one may ask...on his head, naturally.

Teacher's prayer:
Lord, knowing that Your will for these children is not merely a position, but a relationship with You, help us to not limit their knowledge of You because of their chosen position. May we teach them when they walk, stand, sit, lye down and hang! Amen
