Friday, December 18, 2009

Friday Tales

Really, Homeschool had it's own lessons planned,
schedule arranged,
and pencils located from underneath the daily clutter...
But, God stepped in and ordered a day in the sun!

This is when one has to NOT brag, but be thankful that
God honors obedience. And through our attempt to bring education to a focus in the home,
He brings surprise family days full of His love!

Student simply attempted her Science experiment to compare the measurement of the water, liquid, before it froze into ice, solid.
This is where variables come in...the ounce measurement of the water, liquid, before freezing wasn't recorded! Love to learn!!

And for Math, Student added up all the price tags on the used books she eyed at the Homeschool's thrift venture today. That counting by 25s is getting better all the time.

Art, what is a day without it? I am just sure Jesus will assign Student the job of creating sunsets, once we get to Heaven! As for now, she enjoyed this mess-free gingerbread house creating! Layered candies and all!

Ending the day with dough fun, Student and Toddler helped make some Cinnamon Focaccia for our sack tomorrow will take Student to the local metropolis for ArtVenture! Paralleling with her map learning, she'll be constructing a project and viewing art of the same subject.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Art Galore

Waking an hour before her usual eye-opening time,
Student tromped downstairs to begin her sewing project today!
What better motivation than the anticipation of viewing color
and design atop fabric in the morning sunshine?



Ironing, cutting, sewing, and stringing bells... these door hangers crafted with gratitude for gifting to her Sunday school and Violin instructors.

Spurring the mind of a young believer, the court house lawn display of a manger scene, which Student spotted on our light tour last night, prompted her to write a letter to our city! So, for Language, Student wrote and mailed:
"Dear City,
What you did what rite.
Thank you!
I see youer manger.
First Grade Student"

Toddler, on the other hand, wasn't standing still for anything.
He was plotting spoon wars. Taking turns with each silver metal weapon attacking the other and then transforming them into musical instruments.
And talking to Student about her project...
" Let me hold it or I'll broke it!" he said in his manliest voice.
Principal was on discipline duty for that one!

Continuing with counting by 25s, Student mixed and matched coin piles to count totals. Principal has really been a help in Math as she thinks much like him.


Journal is substituting for the sketchbook
that is bursting at the seams with completed artwork.

History was the nighttime story tonight, as Teacher was working away from the Homeschool and Principal was in charge of finishing the lesson. God is good to bring helpmate.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winter Action

Activity at the Rec Center today brought sweat and racing heartbeats!
Student had a rest in between dribbling and running with her pal Jo.
Who could complete their visit to the Rec without a lil'
Littlest Pet Shop play, anyway?!

Recently blessed with some books from our Church Family, Uncle Author has made his way into the hearts of both Student and Toddler! Thanks Bill & Marylin! A four set volume from 1950, Teresina and Coals of Fire were their recent paper adventures. Also, in Reading, we read and contrasted 2 poems:
Twas the Night Before Christmas
Twas the Night Before Jesus Came

Geography took it's warm lesson from the old skool today, also. Grandmother sent some Gilligan's Island episodes to the Homeschool this week! No, they aren't as innocent as Teacher remembers, but with a mind as inquisitive as Student's, nothing gets past her! Her fav line today was from Gilligan himself:
"...I can't pretend to be MaryAnn, I look dreadful in pigtails!"
Finishing our episode of Hawaiian comedy, Student swiveled the globe to locate The Pacific and Hawaii for Principal. Ode to our Navy Service-Pal Sarah!

Math has introduced yet another skip-counting method: counting by 25s. When running a Post Office errand, Principal worked such numbers with Student, and by the time they arrived back at the Homeschool, she had it down! Through quarters and seatwork, Student ended the lesson quite confident. Of course Auntie Barb's count to 30 request, when counting by 25s brought her some smiles!

History is wrapping up in I Kings, and continuing to II Kings.

In Language, Student ventured through explanations of contractions. Upon her grocery-store sighting, Student purchased a journal with her $5 Christmas card money... (thanks Grammie)!
She began writing today and can't wait to wake up and continue tomorrow!

Ending the day with Awana and Christmas light tour through the dark streets of town, we rest in the promise of Christ's return! Heaven Homeschool will surely be even brighter!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back to Homeschool

Sunlight in our souls, and windows today,
the Homeschool returned from it's hiatus.

Math brought new measuring concepts. Student's new measuring rhetoric included:

Having been soooo big for the past year and pouring her own milk,
Student was familiar with gallon and it's usual liquid contents.

Toddler began with his Old Skool desk of letters.

He had a personal grudge against the letter "Q". As soon as that letter showed up, he was done! Trying to skip past it and continue choosing magnet letters and arranging them in alphabetical order, Teacher attempted to continue. WOOHOO! Another mastermind winning tallied up for manipulative instructors!

Continuing in Language, Student has had some practice in suffixes already this first grade year. However, the new idea of doubling the consonant at the end of a single syllable root word with a short vowel...that's new and adventurous story!

Here are her brain's examples:

Getting more involved in time and temperature, Student wants to give the degrees in which the following would occur: (from a midwestern perspective, of course...)
Swim outdoors= 90 degrees
Ride your bike= my fav time is about 70 degrees
Play barefoot at the park= 99 degrees, but not at rubber parks, cuz it would melt your foot!
Build a snowman= 30 degrees, as long as it's good packing snow, though...
Play in rain= 70 degrees and in the Spring!
Visit the zoo= 100 degrees in the summer!

Finishing her Electricity unit, Student will squeeze in the human body before break! Hope we can get that flashlight back together!
Of course, there will probably be computer during break, as Student uses every venue possible for Art!

History is trying to book right along as we see the semester ENDING soon! 6 days and counting down!

Monday a-go-go

Really, a learning environment the Homeschool was NOT!
So, a day of life skills and roaming around with a blank mind
oblivious to realities but focused in the imagination.
That's exactly the Monday we had.
Suppose one would classify this as a Holiday!

Playing for some...

Cleaning for others...

And sleeping for another!

And thanks be to God for His mercies that are new every morning!
Can we get an amen! Thank you, Jesus!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Flight

Out the door, we dared, and to the Rec Center.

Activity was just what Homeschool ordered.

Dribbling tricks, shooting practice and running in every direction the Homeschool overthrew the courts!

Student read from Dr. Suess today. Teacher chose Gertrude McFuzz, and Student opted for The Lorax. Considering all of the author's political content, we discussed how our decisions affect many more lives than just ours. The Bible teaches that blessings as well as curses last for generations. Student was delighted that her good choices are going to bring goodness to her children's children, and that we can pray against the sins that we are paying for from our forefathers. The truth shall set you free, indeed!

Toddler didn't care to read, so he opted for the auditory story on 33 record today. The Steadfast Tin Soldier is an all-time fav of his! He never gets past the soldier...he loves the adventure...A Hans Christian Anderson must... though not according to the Oregon Homeschool! But not everyone appreciates a good love story. :) Go Steiny Team!

Art came in the form of an upcycle!

Mrs. Beki tried to give us ideas for projects, last Summer, and this project stemmed from the magazine she sent over 6 months ago! :)

Student helped empty the tomato sauce and froze it for later cooking. After using the churchkey to make holes to drain and rinse the cans, Teacher dug out the cording that was purchased 7 years ago to sew roman shades for Student's nursery! Who knew back then? God did. God always provides! Can't thank Him enough for our Homeschool venture that has totaled $110 for the first semester. Now that's only God who can provide Abeka at that price!

Seatwork? Yes, we layed it out on the table and let it soak up some vitamin D from the window. Guess it's weekend homework for Student!

To start the weekend off with a laugh, here's Student current top 3 favorite jokes:

Who does a jalepeno go to when he's sick?
Dr. Pepper!

Why is a mountain never cold?
It wears a snow cap!

How do you fix your old, cracked pumpkins?
Pumpkin patches!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cookin' up a Book

Student is moving right along with her First Grade Cookbook.
With her love of color and all things art, her recipe feature today
is Rainbow Soup.

No, measurements of each ingredient are not included.
That's part of the learning experience of following the directions she listed...
as well as the truth of Teacher's cooking
that measurements in the Homeschool kitchen consist of:
however much there is...
however much Principal likes...or,
however much is desired.
Yes, it's the lesson on the heart of Mid-West cooking:Use what you have and waste not!

Toddler is kicking his sickness...

Really, he's cowboying up! Nothing a lil, ibeprayin & ibuprofen can't fix!

During Reading today, Toddler picked the closest book in sight to read: the Dictionary! Requesting to learn the definition for boxing, boy & football.
Not wanting to confuse him, Teacher fought the urge to paste in a picture of Toddler to suffice a definition for BOY! And all fairness to Mascot, we shall give him time to boy-up!

Student and TOddler also enjoyed the tactile reading experience from Robert Sabuda. A Christmas tradition of Auntie Ang, Sabuda's books are taken out of the witness protection program a few times throughout the year, and they speak volumes! Popping with beauty and imagination!

History brought more vocab for Students current study list. Thanks to Papa D and their treasured 3 Stooges movie nights, she knew the definition of innocent! Thanks, Papa.

Continuing her 5-day study of Electricity, student hunted the Homeschool for items with switches. Here's what she found:
Christmas Chapel
Mascot's swing

Seatwork will be finished as Teacher slides away to work this evening. Principal will tap his finger, sit beside her and offer all the encouragement in the world. Thank God for Dads!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Life Skills 101

We have all heard Teacher's memory of a schoolmate
whom never was taught to operate a washing machine...
and so there is no hope of Student and Toddler getting caught up in the same helpless estate!

Together, in upmost cooperation, the 2 loaded the washing machine
and pushed buttons, and viola: out popped clean clothes! Teacher is so proud, and awarded extra Spiderman stickers for this completion!

The Homeschool was blessed, by our beloved sister Sherri, a cross with Jabez' prayer on it. And today we set out to ask God to increase our Homeschool territory: increase our opportunity to affect others for His purpose. In doing so, Student bagged up homemade goodies for the mail carrier and wrote Godblesss You in the print card. Telling him Merry Christmas, she planted a seed.

In Science, Electricity has brought new vocab words:
alligator clips

Student: You take 2 alligator clips and hook it to something metal and you have a complete circuit. But, if you use, like, plastic, or wood, then it isn't a full circle. I like to make the circuits!

History also brought 2 new vocab words:
Student was in Royal Dreamland when we read of the fanciful and Slendiferous decor in the temple Solomon built!

Seatwork completed in Phonics, Language and Math. Mascot was sitting right beside Student encouraging her, as she really needed it today. The day after a seatwork-free day is always the hardest!

Violin focus today was on Student's 2 performances this weekend. She is truly getting the new kisses she has been instructed to practice. Only Mrs. S would know such mumbo, but it works!

Art came in the form of Student's latest local bookstore find:

Can't wait to see what boy Art will occur in the future of Homeschool!

Snow Day Tuesday

Can Homeschool declare a snow day?

Well, we did!

Before such a glittering-blessing fell from above, we were contemplating a sick day.
But who can keep a boy from snowballing in the winter?
Not even sickness!

Homeschool has considered adopting corporal punishment. But only for Principal whose aim is all too precise...this is what glided past the sliding doors, skimmed the dining table and smashed against the living room couch...

Even Student enjoyed the snow day, well, snow and Art day! Nothing could have made her day quite like this combination!

Again, thanks to Sallie Mae, we created our own penny-wise block prints out of old file folders ( or cereal boxes, any thin sturdy paper). One of Teacher's college instructors, with a Master degree in WEAVING, gave us this project idea! What a grrreat lady, only what one could expect from a veteran-artist in her late 60s!

Out rolled the WELCOME WAGON for Lilly. This is the new Homeschool pet! All is well & blessed on the Homeschool front.

Psalms 138:8
" The Lord will perfect that which concerns me..."

Monday, December 7, 2009

Introduction to Electricity

Thanks to Principal, Student's introduction to electricity was completed in Computer. Uncovering some visuals through a handy-dandy site, Student's brain began to complete the circuit of learning! Getting some extra practice on, she began connecting definitions of new words and symbols for diagrams.

WooHoo! Student has begun a new journey in Science! And a Homeschool lesson can only be complete with School House Rock!
"It's Schoolhouse Rocky. That chip off the block Of your favorite schoolhouse. Schoolhouse Rock!"

As for Toddler, his Awana lessons are getting caught up, little by little. His verse memorization is trying not to overload!

He is trying to master his letter flashcards. And yes, those are alien fingers floating on the side...Principal and Student love their air-time!

Preparing for her weekend interview, Student has completed her list of questions for our Brazilian-native friend. I can't wait to hear more from this annointed follower of Jesus. She always has such grrreat God stories!

Seatwork applause in Math and Phonics today. Student continued work on the clock and skip counting. It's so encouraging to see the ways of her God-given brain suck up all the information. Story problems are her favorite! Gotta give God credit for that!

History began the adventure of King Solomon's reign in I Kings today. Student was so excited to hear of The Queen of Sheba. Royalty is always welcome in her book!

With the influence of Principal, Student etched her version of a race car today! Art takes form in everything.
"A tool is what you make it!" said Mr. Olais. And that is our newly adopted motto at the Homeschool.


Finishing a cozy day at Homeschool, the snow began to fall. Out came the caroling books, and Student's voice filled the air. Toddler covered Teacher's mouth, Mascot nursed and Principal took it all in. That's another blessed day on the thankful list at Homeschool.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


In the words of Roosevelt Franklin, Halfies.
Half for you, half for me!
Here's to half a Homeschool day for Friday!

Student's vocab test is now complete. She will continue with new words from our reading in History beginning Monday with I Kings.

For a change in violin practice today. Student & Toddler tossed the beanbag onto the staff to practice note recognition and then rhythm exercises. Toddler was so delighted to partake in anything violin. Oh, to be just like big sis, right?


Math, taking form in an auditory lesson today, Student reviewed skip-counting and opposites of addition & subtraction combinations.
playing, "What time is it Mr. Clock", Student is learning to tell time right down to the minute. Also, completing another test and speed drill, Student is really making a dent in that huge book!

Helping Mascot with his tummy-time, Studemt and Toddler played a game of eye-spy with the patchwork scraps in the quilt!


Finishing our Halfies day of Homeschooling, Student & Toddler whipped up some no bake cookies for the weekend road trip. They even shared the bowl-licking duty! And boy is Homeschooling the sweetest on Fridays! Thanks, Lord!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wake Up

It's almost Friday, whether anyone is keeping track, or not! However, today is a school day, and Student must wake up. Easy does it! Slump down the stairs and begin your Homeschool day with computer!
Intelligent computer time, that is. Student is truly excited about the new trial site for Pocoyo. This character was a youtube accident for us, and both she and Toddler are highly enterained. Truly, the British accent would hook anyone!
However, the requirement for intelligent computer wasn't being met through the dance floor activity! So, Student saved this for fun time, and continued onto Math Lines. This is a further practice of the addition families.

Dried and pleading for color, the art dough ornaments were transformed today.


And as Our Father blesses us with warm weather, the triple-thick gloss coat will be applied!


Not that all games must be in cyberspace, our dining table is a good spread for Candy Land! Student and Teacher began the round robin tourney while the quesadillas were in the oven. (Yet another recipe added to Student's first grade cookbook.) Toddler entered on the second round...and that was that! The pinching and yelling cancelled the tourney quickly. And even more quickly, The Lord stepped in and took over Toddler's motives. He reached over and clasped Student's hand. Student kindly asked him,
and he replied...
"Aw. Nothing." and squeezed her little hand.
Principal and I were reminded, yet again, how Homeschool is growing them.

Toddler headed out into the sun with Principal and tossed around the football, while Student completed her Math & Language seatwork.


Completing II Kings in History today, Student will end the week with a vocab test tomorrow. Interestingly, God's timing in our studying the David and Bathsheba affair, was another opportunity to discuss the Enemy's temptation of adultery. Even in today's time. As Principal loves golf, she's heard her share of Tiger's transgressions as well as the explanations of the sacred union of marriage. All in a day of living, right?!

Violin has brought Christmas closer to Homeschool, as Student and Teacher have been jingling their bows!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thank you, Sallie Mae

Yes, Teacher has a hefty student loan debt, and must try to find reasons to be thankful for such a burden. So, as today, and each day at Homeschool are filled with curriculum and instruction, we see the money was well spent...or is that well borrowed?

Beginning couch Reading session with their current fav picks:
Toddler: Hansel & Gretel
Student: Rhyme Bible


After taking turns in the Rhyme Bible, Student continued on with Benjamin Rabbit. These writings are a fav among all of Homeschool. Mascot just quietly sat and listened to the details about rabbit tobacco, or lavender as we know it! Gotta love the old skool books of Beatrix Potter. Thanks to some Steiny's at the Oregon Homeschool for this reading enjoyment!

Our last trip to the thrift store took Student to the book section and resulted in some good finds. Among the new arrivals to Homeschool, was Mr Magoo's A Christmas Carol, and Christmas Crafts. Both paper backs from the 70s, it was guaranteed good reading! As instructed in the craft book, we ventured into a messy world of art dough today. Again, thanks to college where we acquired quality ceramics tools and paintbrushes we'll put to use tomorrow!


Student and Toddler are looking forward to the next stage of ornament-making, which will bring out the color tomorrow as the paint jumps from the craft cabinet. These will serve as gifts to their extended fam this Christmas.

And who can get enough life-skill training at Homeschool? Toddler was on silverware-sorting duty today. As he instinctively turned each utensil into a drumstick, he fulfilled the task quite well. He insisted on multiples in each hand, and tuned-up his fine motor skills by dropping each without the assistance of his other hand. Loudly, the sorting was completed!

Student played a compound word scramble game today. She came up with the following silly compounds which she wrote in cursive for handwriting practice:

Reviewing the continents in Geography, Student is also learning about life on each continent. She will be interviewing Rosanne, our dear friend from Brazil next weekend. She is preparing her list of 10 questions, and will begin with these 2:
1. I read they grow potatoes in Peru. Do they farm in Brazil? What?
2. I read Venezuela has many tall apartment buildings. Are there more houses or apartments in Brazil?

Student is finished creating for the violin school art & craft sale this Sat night. Locals should come and catch a set of magnets for themselves @ $5 a set!


Another day and still, God is good to the Homeschool!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Field Trip

Unscramble! Well, not just a morning brain to unscramble, but words, silly!

Student worked on Language seatwork with a smile today. The unscramble exercise was a nice change of monotony in her seatwork. Also in Language, she worked on sentence structure, correcting the incorrect examples. What a self-booster to see that even the book author doesn't get every sentence perfect!

Grammar continued with pronoun and suffix review. Student has a list of her favorite fancy words with a suffix:

What blessings God grants us through Homeschool, may we recognize this on days that seem not-so-blessed, but truly are! Amen.

Violin has brought Student to new heights...literally. On her bow, the markings of her "yard" have gotten higher, and it is just the boost she needed! Also, her Christmas selections are preparing for their blog debut! :)

Toddler was on sharpening duty today.


As God is a part of our daily lives, we felt His presence and care through a Field Trip opportunity today. As Principal is around, he has had the opportunity to be more hands-on in Homeschool. And just in time for Student's recent measuring and mapping skills, our church needed help measuring the new building that's on it's way to our campus this week!
So, armed with her sketchbook, measuring tape and architectural ruler, Student and Principal headed for a roadtrippn' field trip.

And right in time for the extended-due-date, our Final Friday quilt project is completed! Student's tag reads:
"Be strong and courageous for the Lord your God is with you." Deut 31:6, Homeschool 2009

