Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Monday Exposure

Having joined the local Home Educators Association, the Homeschool has exposed itself! Yes, among OTHERS whom God has called to this task of teaching and training children, it is a good thing.

This creates a schedule on both Monday and Friday that involve leaving campus.
Monday is Piano and Sign Language. Warrior seems to think it's a treat both to play AND do the activities!

An answer to prayer, the Piano teacher trades the lessons to Student and Warrior for group Signing lessons taught by Teacher.

Not all things are new this year, though. The fishing chart was a favorite for both Student and Warrior, so they have constructed their Fall 2012 charts and prepare to finish each days' lessons to place a sticker in the square and FISH for a prize each Friday.

Working side-by-side, Teacher can't wait to see what this arrangement brings!

Making use of in-between lesson time, Warrior has been digging into the flashcards box. And Student has taken it upon herself to learn a few Spanish words each month. So she gets permissoin to keep a handful in her desk each month. Now that's a priveledge!

The POINTER has been a popular addition to the classroom this year. Teacher just couldn't pass it up on the $1 rack at Target! Really, now, if Warrior and Mascot will just believe Teacher that it is NEVER EVER to be used as a sword, all should be safe! It's been a nice addition to Warrior's skip-counting efforts. He's been working though 2s, 5s and 10s.

And to complete the classroom, a newer globe! Grammy eyed this gem! It plugs in and offers a light display of the constellations God designed in the night sky. LOVELY! We are so thankful.

Fall 2011: New Beginnings

It arrived! The new year came, and each is older and
fosters a stronger hunger for knowledge!

Lord, may this year lead us to where You would have us to go.
May our thoughts and words be pleasing to You,
as we use these brains You have given, to
renew our minds daily.
In Jesus name, amen.

Here it is, the new classroom!
Bluish, yes.

No kidding, clothes on and hair up? This MUST have been the FIRST day of the year!

Principal suggested that Teacher blog in PAST tense since she's not usually caught up on posting the daily school happenings!

And so that's what one will read, the PAST happenings of our 2011-2012 schoolyear here, on the schoolhouse 27 blog.

That's the OFFICIAL name anyhow, each private school must legally have a name. Considering Student isn't the ONLY pupil anymore, Teacher and Principal redesigned the banner and voila!

And to top-off the first day of Kindergarten for Warrior, and 3rd grade foe Student: the piercing of Student's ears! What a proud day for the Homeschool. The whole gang was right there supporting her through the ear0gun trigger-pulling!

She didn't seem to feel much pain, but her eyes truly sparkled. Those sparkles that come with each right-of-passage in this life. Yes, those are the ones, the ones that say the babies are growing up.

Lord above, help we as parents to nurture Your children with knowledge, love and admonition of You. In Jesus name, amen.

Friday Goodbyes

Reviewing special sounds, and writing his favorite word...

what a growing Warrior!

Read once more, when Teacher is looking...

and Praise God for the renewing of our minds daily. THank Him for His
eternal Word that never changes.

Summer, here comes the Homeschool...

Thursday Together

Call it school and get it over with!

Consider getting dressed for your last days of preschool, would you Warrior?

If it means he gets to go outside, then he's agreed to add clothing to
cover his body.

Ready, set, GO!

Run into summer and leave the schoolyear behind.

Who DOESN'T flip for summer?!

Praise Him for a new season!
Thank you, Jesus!

Thankful Wednesday

After the wrapping paper is wadded,
and the presents take their place in her room, Student is taking time to thank those who blessed her with their presence and gifts on her 8th birthday.

Naturally, at the top of the list: Grammy!

Continuing time in her favorite chair, Spelling and Language fill the morning.

And what can pull a girl from her favorite chair? Laundry!

Busy boys configure tessellations and read together.

God is good, and summer is almost here!

Tuesday Work

Getting back into the swing of schooling, for the last days of the year!

Mascot continues his Praise Baby love, and may very well choose summer school
since his school is SO enjoyable he claps!

Finishing out the year with review, Student is trying her best NOT to make paper airplanes with her seatwork.

And in the afternoon? Backyard rewards!

Monday Trip

Away, into the clouds...

well, the park and the zoo, anyhow.

Celebrating the homecoming of friends, and God's furry creations...

then cooling down from the pre-summer heat!

Thank God above for field trips for EVERY reason,
even on Mondays!

Friday Before Saturday

Saturdays are great for MANY reasons, yes.

But a girl only turns 8, once! Saturday marks her party day.
So get your seatwork done, call it a Halfie...

and get to painting the party signs!

Thursday Prep

Because they only come ONCE a year...

and each year only comes ONCE...

the Homeschool makes birthdays a celebration to remember!

Would God have it any other way?
Celebrate His masterpiece: children!

As the children shoot,
Teacher gets out the scissors and re-purposes an old sheet...

cuts and lays a bunting along the court boundary for Student's circus birthday party.

Trying to conserve her newly-restored energy, Student has been resting much after her sickness. Warrior on the other hand, slipped in some Art behind her back. She wouldn't stand for Art occorances excluding her!

Finishing his work, and having multiple sticky fingers...

Project complete.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weak Wednesday

Yes, in Heaven there will be no tears,
no sickness,
and no pain.

Even the trees feel the sadness and sickness since the fall of this earth.
Doesn't that tree look so sad-faced?

As for now, when sickness comes, may we endure
and inherit the Kingdom.

with Anne of Green Gables,
Lil Bill,
and Barney, the Homeschool found books to comfort them among the sickness.

This too shall pass. Yes, even Buzz and Big Baby will get better.
After they obey Mascot and get some rest, that is.

Lord, give us strength and courage to get through this mucus mess.
You are with us wherever we go. Bless Your Holy name, Jesus, Amen.

Tuesday Together

Mascot called, he said the Homeschool is out and about with Principal today.

Warrior has sat on his chore money LONG ENOUGH, and his prayers have brought him peace about buying the Larry Boy action figure and mobile today.

As for Student, she's due for a new swimming suit, and she has found a WINNER!

Oh the joys of Together Tuesdays!
Thank you Principal for taking time to be with the Homeschool
that LOVES you!

Monday Cooperation

Group projects aren't always Teacher's favorite.
There's a constant need for a referee, and the competition soars through
the roof of the homeschool.

But there's no more fun a group can have than a
backyard game of croquet!

And what boy wouldn't up the
testosterone level with a backyard shirtless session?

Mascot and Warrior are getting to a new stage in their relationship,
and when they agree on their roles, it works! Warrior instructs, and Mascot does.

And in the end, one can always count on a book cooperating,
not having much to say but READ ME!
