Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Make a DIfference Monday

Could we be more surprised?
Our best laid plans...
plans for a Make a Difference Monday, were redirected!

Proverbs 14:22b
"...But those who plan what is good
find love and faithfulness."

It was to be a day of spectacular Homeschool occasions gifting love to others in the name of Christ, what else could make a Monday so worthwhile? Student had been up sick throughout the night, Toddler was finishing his cough and antibiotics, and Mascot couldn't sleep for his chronic cough. So, the day began early and unhealthy, we had high hopes for a turnaround. Rather, He had plans for finding opportunity in trial. Our plans for good, were re-routed for His plans for good.

Principal took on Mascot's ear infection and pneumonia, Toddler's Albuterol-enhanced energy, and Student's pneumonia and sinus infection ALL TOGETHER, so Teacher could go to the Dr. to check for a sinus infection and foot injury.

Alone and reading, Teacher found much time to listen to the surrounding conversations with the lack of children present. It was then, that Christ broke-in and brought love to the Homeschool and the computer showed a credit on Teacher's billing account. Simultaneously, a patient next to Teacher was informing the receptionist that he didn't have the payment for his visit could he bring it next month. The EXACT amount credited in Teacher's account was the EXACT amount due in the man's account that he didn't have available to pay. It was then that Teacher wrote a checl for the EXACT amount with the man's name in the memo and handed it to the receptionist and said that it was for Jesus on Mondays, the the Homeschool focuses on others, and apply it to his account, please...

Far above the kleenex,
far higher than the amount of Albuterol tubes emptied,
and more meaningful than our plans for good,
our God-arranged Make a Difference Monday was just the encouragement and distraction from sickness we needed to be reminded of the love and faithfulness of our Father in Heaven. He loves us, will take care of us, and provide for us. It's a promise NEVER broken!
