Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Music

Yes, violin practice was scheduled, as many days at the Homeschool, but what is more exciting than an instrument one plays day-in and day-out? Mascot's toy xylophone! Toy + Student's Ear= Joy to the world! What fun for a Monday!

It must have been the rainy forecast that forced the spring-cleaning desire to come alive at the Homeschool today. Student and Warrior respect-cleaned the living room, organized ans sorted the family movies...
"Well, I'd say the grown-up movies go on the bottom because we don't watch those very much. And, the kid movies in the middle and the Veggie Tales on the top. We're done!" This of course took place after Warrior exited the cabinet the movies are stored in. It was just his size, but never noted before as it was always full! Oh how fun is cleaning, it gives new perspectives to all!

Warrior was on duty in the dining room, and he was thrilled to detox the table from all of the sneezing lately...

Onto balancing bean bags upon heads, loading laundry into machines, folding quilts and shining the ever-dreaded STUDENT ROOM!

After seeing Principal for lunch Student and Teacher sat in the quiet to read of Colonial Life. Our History Thoughts from Student:
"It's so crazy that people treated the slaves badly just because God designed their skin to be in the sun. It's sad that families couldn't stay together. But I am glad that I don't have to wear the clothes those fancy ladies wore. You couldn't climb a tree, really."

Reading was completed through the daily local newspaper. Teacher isn't in favor of this again in the near future. But it was quite sweet that Student's humor connected with Garfield! Otherwise she thought it was a total waste...
"Why isn't the city asking if they should buy the van? Who says what they can buy? Weird that the people in the city don't even know what is going on." And maybe the Homeschool should venture to the next city hall meeting, we haven't been since Student was 3 and we were rallying for support of the neighborhood park we now enjoy.

Math pushed the problems up to four addends and introduced the even and odd numbered addresses on each side of the street. Student wondered what the big deal was, but completed the exercise anyway.

Bible and Spelling completed our Homeschool day. Student wanted to know when she could have a letter grade on her paper. Teacher usually talks out the questions with Student until she can correct them. But this time we changed it up and Student corrected AFTER the letter grade was she earned a 60%, D. She smiled and said THANKS!

It was NOT our typical rainy day, as we haven't watched any movies and only had minimal computer time and reading. No puzzles, just LIVING ROOM SOCCER...
