Friday, October 30, 2009

Final Friday

We are here, we are here, we are here! It is Final Friday and our quilting goes on!

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

The local quilt drive for foster children at Christmas. Student was really enjoying the roller-cutting today! She turned these stripes, into checkers!


Final Friday is falling close to Orphan Sunday. Can't wait to see how God works in the hearts of His people for this occasion!


Classifying in Science today, Student grouped leaves by their color. Truly, she is also enjoying toning her photos for posting and playing around with borders and such. She'll be one of the few First Graders in town to be familiar with Photoshop! Principal will be so proud!

And for seatwork...well, it's Final Friday, who needs seatwork? Our focus today was certainly on The Lord, as we are quilting in His name, and enjoying the leaves He created. Thanks, God.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Alphabetized Life

Such a skill as alphabetizing is frequently used, but mastering it brings all the frustrations in life into one pot and it boils! At least this was the experience I had in my grade school library so many years ago. Student, on the other hand, does so well, and calmly so. I don't know if the one-on-one teaching of our homeschool is the difference, but we can be thankful that it is working. Maybe it is the presence of the Holy Spirit and lots o' love!. Not to knock Mrs. Wilson, but my first grade teacher couldn't have loved me like a mother can!

Today, we worked with these drawn, colored, and cut-out book spines to mock alphabetize the shelf of library books. Student also had practice when looking up her vocab words from our History lesson in the dictionary. A lesson that included war, favored by Toddler, and instruments, favored by Student. Good ol' Gideon to the rescue!

In the background of the picture? Just a game invented by Student. How else to teach alphabet recognition to Toddler than to involve jumping? Student placed all of the pillows from the furniture in a pattern on the floor, covered them with Mascot's blankets, and proceeded to print letters on the magnadoodle...with each letter Toddler correctly recognized, he could jump to a new pillow! What a teacher! And what a way to instruct the boy-spirit that God instilled in Toddler. I am so proud. Can't wait to play the respect clean-up game before Principal gets home!


And in seatwork, Student completed pages for Language, Phonics and a self-led Art Project. Language is focusing on sentence structure, so Student got her dose of cursive, too.

With so much to report on today, I tried out the new picture posting that our friend recommended...go photobucket!


Fall baking today brought Student yet another lesson in Life Skills. Pumpkin Pineapple Carrot Muffins...I still have to figure out how to download the scent! It's a yummy lesson for today!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Which season is it, again?

Student just had to jump into winter when she found this fun activity from Better Homes and Gardens during computer today. Make your own snowflake, with virtual scissors and paper! Try it out or search Student's snowflake number #8522126. She chose to call her creation Falling Violin Snowflake.

And to get our sillies out, we danced to Yo Gabba Gabba today! No, we don't make this a daily habit, as I am afraid to encourage attention disorders, but Principal downloaded a dance episode from itunes and when the outdoors are cold, this is an energy-burning-must! Toddler made sure to tell me he had better have clothes on before he started dancing, you know, to be modest!

Student went right through multiple lessons in the Old Testament, reading along in her daily reader Bible for New Readers.

On with seatwork and Awana preparation. Student has her latest verse printed on the magnadoodle. And to top our day off, we were blessed by a visit from Family today, the sun was shining and cousins were smiling and playing! This Fall day was perfect for an afternoon of play in the leaf-covered off they went!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Hands

Yes, our Phys-Ed-Teaching friend recently remarked what joy she experienced teaching "sport stacking". And, having talked to other students who enjoyed the same, we tried our own version today with Student and Toddler. Hand-eye coordination was perfected, and I think this could truly be considered aerobic excercise, as Student got pretty frazzled when timed, and Toddler threw his cups so far, he had to run to bring them back to the table! We are looking at our hands in new ways now.

You take 12 cups, 3 on the right, and 3 far on the left. Then, you have 2 stacks of 3 in the middle. And you take the one on the right with both hands to make a small pyramid on the right. Then one bigger in the middle, and another small pyramid on the left. Use both hands.

Maps are growing on us, as we are having fun labeling our blank map with the Continents and Oceans. First Grade sure brings our world closer to home!

Seatwork continued in Math, Language and Phonics. And in History, we sat in the Autumn sun and enveloped ourselves in the Battle of Jericho as recorded in the book of Joshua. Student also practiced her cursive.

And with our first 9 weeks having ended, we have concluded a list of
Bad Homeschool Habits:
1-Waiting until the last-minute to go to the restroom
2-community cups
3-not getting dressed
4-clipping nails during school
5-forgetting to brush teeth
6-increased no-name papers
7-wayward crayons
8-eating delicious full-course lunches
9-MIA pencils
10-pen wars

Holiday Excuse #84

Only once in a lifetime do we have our 84th birthday...
and so we went road trippin'!

Student, Toddler and The Mascot all piled in the back of the van, as we set off to see Great Papa Marshall. Bringing along with us a violin, presents, lunch and singing voices, we arrived to the Greats' house on time!

Student gracefully played her violin for the Greats, while Toddler not-so-gracefully devoured lunch, while the Mascot gracefully filled his diaper! Whew!

Afterwards, we raked leaves, spun on the merry-go-round (well, it's an old hexagonal clothesline that spins...but the kids know better...thus, the picture is just to give your eyes something to look at!) and sang hymns to Great Papa Marshall. He opened his gifts, and Mascot got one too! What a blessed occasion we had the opportunity to partake in because God provided homeschool. When we obeyed and agreed for Him to establish the work of our hands, we had no idea we would be blessed with Holiday excuse it was all in a homeschool day!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Field Trip Friday

Yes, today is Friday and Field Trip day! Being that Grammie is such a superstar, she is picking Student up after our field trip. We braved the 43 degree weather and boy did we have fun with our friends in the wind and cold! We shall have pictures to share soon...

So, here are the images from our field trip last weekend: Pumpkin Patch Power!

And Suzuki progression video! Filmed in another fun effect from Student's beloved Imac. Video includes her beloved Toddler...though she may call him other names at times! What lessons we learn with the blessing of siblings!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall Creation

Student has finished her new banner header and color design on her blog. A little conversation and input from Principal can bring a whole new light on creativity. And of course no censoring, as Student creates art with a BANG!

Student was overjoyed to receive a package in the mail from her Metropolitan Cousins. It was overflowing with goods, among which was the backpack she just had to feature in her new banner pic! Don't give a girl a pink backpack and think it's a small deal! Homeschool has changed forever. Thanks and blessings right back to the Cousins!

Inspired by Toddler's Art from Awana, Student created her own version! She included the verse from Genesis 1:11 in cursive on the back. Yes, her happy-self thought she had completed the handwriting, but I noted that she still needed to cite the this she quickly asked:
"Is there an abbreviation for Genesis?"

Good ol' shortcuts and impatience, she has truly adopted The American Way...

Math test was no big deal, but Student did have fun with speed drills!

Fully enveloped by this beautiful season God has brought upon us, our Science experiement took Student into the leaves! We are charting the changes each hour as she picked 3 leaves to dry. She made her hypothesis of when she thinks they will be fully dry and how they will change in their texture. Can't wait to see her conclusion!

Student: "I think the leaves will be dry tomorrow morning. And they will be not pliable."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fall Fun

Student's Autumn Photography & Peotry Writings:
Colrful Leaves
i found a red leaf
now i found a Yello leaf.

Aside from computer and writing, Student wrote sos notes from a princess for her handwriting! What else can be expected from a Royal Student?

A visit from Papa D, and preparation for Awana, along with the seatwork...this has been an official day of homeschool!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fall Labor

Let words of our mouth be acceptable in His sight... and so we say THANKS to the Creator that gifted us this Autumn day of homeschool!

Truly, the breeze was an honest hurricane-strength on our 2 mile ride today. Toddler's bike was blown over and as he cried about it, he was stumbling away by the force of the gust! All the while, Student sang and super-sonic peddled through it all!

Good ol' Mid-West wind. It didn't keep us from loading 7 wheel-barrows full of leaves and dumping them in the neighbor's compost pile. It didn't keep us from spending a barefoot hour at the park. It didn't keep us from scheduling Toddler's dream field trip for this Friday. It didn't keep us from homeschooling.

The time spent inside resulted in Student's artful creation from stencils she located by surprise in the craft cabinet! She was to take a picture to post, and she discovered some crazy background on the computer that brought her picture to life! She is an imac girl, all the way! Principal would be so proud.

Student has been more apt to practice Suzuki violin with the fun lyrics we found in our online search! Again, anything royalty-related is a-okay with her.

Seatwork settled us down in the evening. Math, Phonics, History and Geography. It's just that keeping track of our work here is much easier than keeping a separate log. So forgive the repetition, and give props for the bright ideas developed by procrastination!

Student: Our Friday Field Trip, I wanted to go to the train, and we are!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Guest Monday

Yes, a blessed Monday, indeed!
These sweet cousins spent a morning with us during homeschool, after a late night of family fun!

Having our Geography study together, Cousin M, the eldest, read to the others from a book about the Arctic animals. Toddler didn't stay around long, as he chose to have snack during lesson...we'll have to work on that! What boy wouldn't choose food over ANYTHING ELSE? Note to Teacher: snack after study.

Working in the Kids' Road Atlas, the girls used the California map to find cities with zoos, and highlight them before listing them in Northern-most order. Clearly the highlighter made the lesson! And cooperation was tip-top!

And for History, we read in Joshua about Rahab hiding the two spies. Of course the girls ran right outside to play spies! Bringing History to life is the only way to do it!
(Thank Student for the above typing while Mascot ate!)

Our 70 degree day of sunshine coaxed us to have a picnic at the neighborhood park. Running and carrying the lunchbox and thermos, we must have looked like a whole school with four kiddos on foot and one in the infant pack... as for tomorrow, we are back down to our normal three, including the sleepy Mascot, to continue our homeschool learning!

Well, not before a trip to the library and seatwork with Principal tonight!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Holiday Expidition

Yes, we are having a holiday! No school, specifically. But my eyes are opened to see all of the learning that naturally takes place at home. Because this isn't one of a few scheduled holidays, we aren't rushing into filling the day with together time. As homeschool provides opportunity to have much together time, we have decided to spend our day of together time just being us!

We began our morning with a 3 mile bike ride. Yes, that arrangement of the donut shop and park in the middle sure make for a great break! No, we didn't choose to go into detail about the dog droppings we found at the base of the slide, or the God-provided Mrs. Tonya to help with our frustrated Toddler, or the construction worker with the miracle wrench to solve the frustrated Toddler...well, he fixed the loosened training wheels, of course! Rather, we are thinking and writing of sewing;;;what else!

Our favorite second-hand shop is also along the path. And Student and I have been eyeing fabric to go together for a local Christmas project for Foster Children in the area. Looking to have 900 quilts donated for Christmas gifts, we are ready with our fabric!

Student is looking to make a small quilt, her first self-lead quilt. And with our other circus fabric and flannel, we plan to include a message of strength and courage as The Lord our God is with us wherever we parallell the images of lion tamers and such from the ol' circus days. So, we'll see if we can turn these fabrics into projects for our next Final Friday!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


So, Student asked for a change. Change, who doesn't want it? So fresh and new.
And, she designed the new header on her blog...until the Principal gets ahold of it and can upgrade colors, this is what we creatively came up with! Good ol' Designing Principals!

Violin practice continues on Go Tell Aunt Rhody! Suzuki practice fun in the following video!

Math brought speed drills and another test. Check.
Done and oh-so-well!
As for our Calendar work and dime focus today, Toddler wanted in on the hands-on activities, so it was a little rough for Student to focus. But she is certainly being taught patience and attention-among-distraction skill! Where will she ever use such life skills! :)

Cursive connecting and History meshed well today. Student picked her 6 words from our studies.

Geography focus on maps brought continent and ocean educating! We knew that wall-covering map from Mrs. Lois would be good for more than decorating someday!

Student was on pet duty today, as Alazandra needed her tank cleaned. Well, thank us that we spared the pictured because that fish was living in one polluted environment!

Student: I didn't know I was going to clean today. I think she likes a clean tank. I helped pour the water. She almost didn't go into the cup! She did.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Red Jewel

Student is working on hiding the verses in her heart from Awana. In Sparks, one has certain verses in the "red jewel" section to learn...of course we wonder why they don't call it the RUBY section, since we are all about being virtuous women of God. But, alas, I guess the boys in Sparks care nothing about being a virtuous woman!

Seatwork in Math is filled with much work on counting coins. Even the word problems are oney oriented, how did Grammie know when she sent the card in the mail full of quarters that it would be a continuing of Student's Math? Just another God connection!

Reading through Numbers lessons, we will read of the life in Canaan and worked with the globe and maps to spot the 12 tribes of Israel and their locations. We shall continue map work and read onto Deuteronomy. As our Illustrated Children's Bible skips around a bit, we'll continue right into Joshua and look forward to adding American history next semester!

And for the family of Christopher Klicka we are actively praying and praising his passing this week. Praise God for those He calls and they obey and answer! Klicka's work in homeschooling was an encouragement...wonder what goals God has set for us?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Minus the Citations

Beginning another morning. A morning that God has made, a morning that has brought new mercies from above...thank you Father!

Homeschool today began with reading. First, Student delightfully read through her
Clubhouse Jr. magazine. And to her wondering eyes appeared a recipe for royal treats! This girl spies everything connected to royal princesses! This was just what she needed to brighten her morning.

And continuing into reading, we are discussing Priscilla Superstar! This book came home yesterday from the library, and Student picked it for her first book report! So onward we work!

Cursive connecting practice came from Student's six chosen words from her book:
at bat

I see her enthusiasm come through in the art parts of the book report, and I am reminded that learning is especially enjoyable when one doesn't have to cite sources in a report!
And so the mascot posed with the poster Student created for her report. Flaps, and fancy font and illustration with crayon and ballpoint.
oh, and the homeschool mascot helped with the picture! Her presentation to Principal will be tomorrow.

We will finish seatwork in each area as usual. But we are finishing tonight because we were givem 2 blessings in the mail today, and Student is soending time in the rain using them right now! Thanks to Robyn for the rain gear, and thanks to Lori for the clothes! All is good in a day of homeschool!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Columbus Day

Wonder how many posts are titled as ours is today? Many people we ran into today, as it was our out-and-about Monday, didn't know it was Columbus Day! That's when you know you are a teacher, when holidays that don't mean a day off are still noted!

Our trek to the library was in the four-wheeled vehicle today. Our temperatures keep dropping, and the bikes are seeing less sunshine. Toddler especially is bothered by this. But with gloves and hats, almost anything can be enjoyed on a cool Fall day! And so we bundled and rode the afternoon away!

Happy Columbus Day for us, meant an old school Columbus cartoon, and paper boats! Well, in the folding instructions it was a hat before it was a boat, and Student couldn't resist! So, on the head it went!

And did we say what a joyous and fancy event this folding was? Student enjoys Fancy Nancy, and we were sure that her boat would have nothing less fancy than sequins, and so Student took the lead with the glue and all!

Seatwork in Math was prompted from Student telling Principal that we weren't doing Math right now! Yikes, nothing new, that is. So, he slammed his gavel and let us know that review is practice well worth her time!

Again, the mascot sleeps in his swing, and we continue on our best with homeschool. As we are so blessed to attempt this adventure to bring Him glory, our eyes stay fixed on the prize!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Planning and Preparation?

"This lovely cake calls for care in preparation.
Plan your baking and assembling steps in advance
and the result is a gorgeous, delicious cake." says the recipe...

Does this sound like a possibility in homeschool today? not likely. As for planning and preparation, those words haven't been in our vocabulary studies, yet. Thus, we aren't liable! Hopefully we will be able to taste Princess Cake at the festival this weekend. That is if the current forecast is incorrect: flurries and 30 degree weather!!!

Also on the Swedish food list was cinnamon rolls! So, our Life Skills were quite sweet today. And to add a touch of Student to them, we made butterfly cinnamon rolls! Here they are ready to rise for an hour and a half!

Our violin review was prompted by our leaving book 1 in the van that Dad took to work! Good ol' Principal cannot stay at homeschool with us, but he'll be proud to know that we fit in a practice anyway. We'll be working on the new song this weekend! Too bad for Toddler, we're not done just yet!

For our Friday fun, we pulled out bingo and worked with Toddler on his colors, hand-eye coordination and characters from Dora...what else does any child need to know? Seriously, we had suckers for prizes so all was good in the end!

Requested by Student, when we made our to-do list this morning, we finished Exodus today in History. And this is what she said:
I want to read about Balaam's donkey, but that is for Monday.
Toddler: They were praying. Can I print that? I just want to print it!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

100th Post

Complete Dala project in paper-mache.

Rhythm Stick Sleeping

Good morning to the rain. The record player was our only escape from the dreary weather outside of our window. And with props to Grandmother, again, Hans Christian Anderson, Fairy Tales were brought to life today on vinyl. Student and Toddler enjoyed The Steadfast Tin Soldier and The Ungly Duckling. Yes, Toddler asked for the soldier to be repeated, and confessed his love for the bayonet! Literary mornings bring out the best in everyone!

Student picked her connecting cursive words from the fairy tales we listened to:

I love seeing how her brain thinks through it all. And her explanations, too. She is a critical thinker and I thank God for her work. She encourages me.

Just outside of the camera view, swings our homeschool mascot...sleeping to the
ticking and banging of rhythm sticks! Good ol' newborn-ness!

Exodus chapters continue in History studies. We had a massive review of phonics including our flashcards from Mrs. Tonya (thanks). And so we leave our homeschool day with Math seatwork and Sweden facts from Student:
Princess Cake looked yummy! The sausage and blueberry soup looked like not my favorite. I will try the cake if they have it at the festival this weekend! Maybe we can make it!

Maximum size to wet the taste buds!

These are some Swedish foods I learned of.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday History continues on through Exodus. Student and Toddler couldn't stop listening and kept asking for more! The 10 plagues of Egypt, chapters 4-12 in The Holy Bible. What a scary time in history, and as for the ending...what a powerful time in history. We are to remember the Passover and celebrate His protection of His people. Many sit back and often wonder why God doesn't perform miracles anymore...then God exposes our blindness and we realize He is working miracles every day! Praise God for His new mercies every morning!

Our life-skills learning today is turning a 2XL prom dress turned stage dress into a princess dress-up play-clothing for Student. Only such a $2 deal would prompt us to do such a work in a house ravaged by a newborn! Well, ravaged by our clutter because we're out of sorts because our expanded family blessings because of a tired Teacher because of night-nursing because of a newborn gift from God. Any questions about our run on sentence? It is all well worth it!

Cursive practice consisted of a letter. A letter to Daddy! What else would a sweet daughter want to tell her Daddy on his day off? What little girl doesn't want to be the apple of her Daddy's eye? Just read this love letter from Student:
Dear DAD,
I love you Dad-
dy. I miss you.
Have a nise day off.
Are you looking forward to something?____________________

Love, Me

What an intuitive girl! She must be awaiting his answer, hence the line, and expecting him to ask just what she is looking forward to...oh what sweet thoughts and expectations only a Daddy can fill. A relationship only God could arrange.

Seatwork fills the empty spaces of our day. And for Student, we delayed it's filler-time as Toddler and she were playing so well with their VW buses and fogging up the french doors to draw their masterpieces on the glass...gotta love homeschool!

Student-learned Swedish Facts: The most popular dala horse is the reddish-brown one. Red, white, and blue and yellow horses with green decorations are found, too.

It's name is the dala horse, because of how it started in the war when the soldiers went from house to house to stay and they carved the dala horses to thank the hosts. This is a legend, only.

My Daddy took wire and bent it into a dala horse shape. And then, we used paper-mache to cover the wire. And now it is drying and wen it's dry we wil paint it.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In preparation for our field trip to Lindsborg this weekend for the festival, student is doing a mini-unit to learn about Sweden! And, yes, she'll have a full report of the food afterwards! That is if her Uncle Ed leaves any for her...just remember the cotton candy episode at World's of Fun this summer? The picture shows Student's self-lead project of a windmill, minus a brad, as our homeschool needs to take a trip to the office supply it fits right in with our pre-Sweden studies!

Lindsborg's Svensk Hyllningsfest is a biennial tribute to the Swedish pioneers occurring in October of odd numbered years. The festival features art, crafts, special foods, ethnic music, folk dancing, parade, smörgåsbord, and special entertainment.

History continues in Exodus chapters 2-4. Before thumbing through the dictionary as well as listening for the keywords in the lesson, Student familiarizes herself with the new vocabulary words and forms a hypothesis as to their definitions:
fled: leading to something
cruel: steal or take in a mean way
Practicing writing each vocab word in cursive, Student carefully looks at the example letters and connects to complete each word. Her concentration is focused her into tunnel vision! I'll be sure to start doing a pupil check at the end of each cursive session!

Seatwork in Phonics and Language are spread out through the day among the Math ones. It is a bit overwhelming when Student sees the stack in the morning! Reminding her that we will complete only what we can, with no pressure and not all at once, helps her begin breathing again!

Studying up for Awana tomorrow, Student hides The Word in her heart.

We have not really sorted our outings between recess and PE, so we are deciding to call all outdoor or active time activity. How does one sort through all of the labels of blogs anyhow? We are trying to have a rhyme and reason meshed with long as there is no test on it! As for activity, Toddler baseball and biking 2.5 miles, with a donut break in between, brought our hearts happiness and our brains oxygen today!


As it is not Monday, our Monday was yesterday! A day late, still reporting of homeschool exploration!

Yes, cursive took a good part of Student's day, yeasterday. Continuing to practice and then connect, she picked her very own 6 words to write:

And with the overcast sky, yesterday, we romped outside and found reason to dig in the ground with plastic utensils and spray a water bottle here and there! Why? Because it was yesterday, we see no sense in it today, but it was fun to be in the Autumn surrounds.

Reading 3 more chapters, Student continues to breeze right through her chapter books. A First Grader with a heart for God and His Word, she reads and takes it to heart!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Fun

Student often complains that something isn't fun. Then the talk begins. Why can't everything we do be fun? How can the other things get done that aren't fun if we don't complete them? Just when is it time for fun?

All such questions seemingly silly to an adult with a hardened heart, like myself. So, through the eyes of a child, and from the mouth of a babe, I get the picture. I see the blessing from God that we have such opportunities to be children in homeschooling. Thank you, Lord. There truly is a time for everything. And so we complete our scheduled vocab test from History, and cursive review...and that's all folks!

The rest of our Friday is reserved for being a child. Student and Toddler dancing, pretending and practicing their sling-shots! Oh how we need the fun and wonder our children bring us. Happy Friday fun on our half-day of homeschool!

"In growing up, we learn to be self-sufficient and independent. We learn to cover up what we don't know and resist asking for help because we don't want to look like we're not strong enough. Or smart enough. Children give us the gift of honest, vulnerable dependency that helps us grow down and realize we can admit our need for help too. " Carol Koykendall.
Thanks for your constant help, Father in Heaven!

Student: My new poem of the day:

Oh Mama Oh Mama
I spilled my juice.
I can't find a towel.
But I found a little napkin
in the middle of the table.
I think it cleaned up better than a little towel!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Beginning our new studies in History, we moved on to Exodus. Student was able to connect the workings of God through the story! What a critical thinker!

Student: "The name that Pharoah's wife named Moses means "to draw out" and she picked it because she picked him out of the bullrushes...but God had a purpose for Moses to draw out His chosen people from Egypt and slavery!"

Connecting to History, The Prince of Egypt is on our to-do list today, or is that a t-watch-list?
Our last day of Genesis vocab review, we didn't introduce new vocab as not to confuse the brain! I know my own brain can only take so much! So, I was being thoughtful of her, right?! Or maybe just tired from sleep-interrupted nights? Maybe just a case of almost-Friday syndrome!

Reading in her first chapter book with only black and white illustrations, and few at that, Student begin reading by trading pages with me. Taking turns only lasted 2 pages, as her interest in the story peaked and before we knew it she had completed 3 chapters! :) Gotta love those Berenstain Bears!

Seatwork in phonics taught the new "u works with q" and onto QUACK, QUIZ, QUITE, and QUILT! The last word being my favorite! As for Student:

And another favorite of Student was the Egyptian section on their family life. Sure she thought it was cool that they ground minerals to make paint...but the make-up, that was the interesting part! That they used kohl to create eye and brow pencils! Any beauty info gets attention from this First Grader!

Cursive all the way! Finishing the alphabet, today, it is review from here! Whew!

And for the world's musical enjoyment, Student will play her pieces for Fall Fest., as our final dress rehearsal is tonight!
