Student is working on hiding the verses in her heart from Awana. In Sparks, one has certain verses in the "red jewel" section to learn...of course we wonder why they don't call it the RUBY section, since we are all about being virtuous women of God. But, alas, I guess the boys in Sparks care nothing about being a virtuous woman!
Seatwork in Math is filled with much work on counting coins. Even the word problems are oney oriented, how did Grammie know when she sent the card in the mail full of quarters that it would be a continuing of Student's Math? Just another God connection!
Reading through Numbers lessons, we will read of the life in Canaan and worked with the globe and maps to spot the 12 tribes of Israel and their locations. We shall continue map work and read onto Deuteronomy. As our Illustrated Children's Bible skips around a bit, we'll continue right into Joshua and look forward to adding American history next semester!
And for the family of Christopher Klicka we are actively praying and praising his passing this week. Praise God for those He calls and they obey and answer! Klicka's work in homeschooling was an encouragement...wonder what goals God has set for us?