And, she designed the new header on her blog...until the Principal gets ahold of it and can upgrade colors, this is what we creatively came up with! Good ol' Designing Principals!
Violin practice continues on Go Tell Aunt Rhody! Suzuki practice fun in the following video!
Math brought speed drills and another test. Check.
Done and oh-so-well!
As for our Calendar work and dime focus today, Toddler wanted in on the hands-on activities, so it was a little rough for Student to focus. But she is certainly being taught patience and attention-among-distraction skill! Where will she ever use such life skills! :)
Cursive connecting and History meshed well today. Student picked her 6 words from our studies.
Geography focus on maps brought continent and ocean educating! We knew that wall-covering map from Mrs. Lois would be good for more than decorating someday!
Student was on pet duty today, as Alazandra needed her tank cleaned. Well, thank us that we spared the pictured because that fish was living in one polluted environment!
Student: I didn't know I was going to clean today. I think she likes a clean tank. I helped pour the water. She almost didn't go into the cup! She did.