Beginning our new studies in History, we moved on to Exodus. Student was able to connect the workings of God through the story! What a critical thinker!
Student: "The name that Pharoah's wife named Moses means "to draw out" and she picked it because she picked him out of the bullrushes...but God had a purpose for Moses to draw out His chosen people from Egypt and slavery!"
Connecting to History, The Prince of Egypt is on our to-do list today, or is that a t-watch-list?
Our last day of Genesis vocab review, we didn't introduce new vocab as not to confuse the brain! I know my own brain can only take so much! So, I was being thoughtful of her, right?! Or maybe just tired from sleep-interrupted nights? Maybe just a case of almost-Friday syndrome!
Reading in her first chapter book with only black and white illustrations, and few at that, Student begin reading by trading pages with me. Taking turns only lasted 2 pages, as her interest in the story peaked and before we knew it she had completed 3 chapters! :) Gotta love those Berenstain Bears!
Seatwork in phonics taught the new "u works with q" and onto QUACK, QUIZ, QUITE, and QUILT! The last word being my favorite! As for Student:
And another favorite of Student was the Egyptian section on their family life. Sure she thought it was cool that they ground minerals to make paint...but the make-up, that was the interesting part! That they used kohl to create eye and brow pencils! Any beauty info gets attention from this First Grader!
Cursive all the way! Finishing the alphabet, today, it is review from here! Whew!
And for the world's musical enjoyment, Student will play her pieces for Fall Fest., as our final dress rehearsal is tonight!