"This lovely cake calls for care in preparation.
Plan your baking and assembling steps in advance
and the result is a gorgeous, delicious cake." says the recipe...
Does this sound like a possibility in homeschool today? not likely. As for planning and preparation, those words haven't been in our vocabulary studies, yet. Thus, we aren't liable! Hopefully we will be able to taste Princess Cake at the festival this weekend. That is if the current forecast is incorrect: flurries and 30 degree weather!!!
Also on the Swedish food list was cinnamon rolls! So, our Life Skills were quite sweet today. And to add a touch of Student to them, we made butterfly cinnamon rolls! Here they are ready to rise for an hour and a half!
Our violin review was prompted by our leaving book 1 in the van that Dad took to work! Good ol' Principal cannot stay at homeschool with us, but he'll be proud to know that we fit in a practice anyway. We'll be working on the new song this weekend! Too bad for Toddler, we're not done just yet!
For our Friday fun, we pulled out bingo and worked with Toddler on his colors, hand-eye coordination and characters from Dora...what else does any child need to know? Seriously, we had suckers for prizes so all was good in the end!
Requested by Student, when we made our to-do list this morning, we finished Exodus today in History. And this is what she said:
I want to read about Balaam's donkey, but that is for Monday.
Toddler: They were praying. Can I print that? I just want to print it!