Student often complains that something isn't fun. Then the talk begins. Why can't everything we do be fun? How can the other things get done that aren't fun if we don't complete them? Just when is it time for fun?
All such questions seemingly silly to an adult with a hardened heart, like myself. So, through the eyes of a child, and from the mouth of a babe, I get the picture. I see the blessing from God that we have such opportunities to be children in homeschooling. Thank you, Lord. There truly is a time for everything. And so we complete our scheduled vocab test from History, and cursive review...and that's all folks!
The rest of our Friday is reserved for being a child. Student and Toddler dancing, pretending and practicing their sling-shots! Oh how we need the fun and wonder our children bring us. Happy Friday fun on our half-day of homeschool!
"In growing up, we learn to be self-sufficient and independent. We learn to cover up what we don't know and resist asking for help because we don't want to look like we're not strong enough. Or smart enough. Children give us the gift of honest, vulnerable dependency that helps us grow down and realize we can admit our need for help too. " Carol Koykendall.
Thanks for your constant help, Father in Heaven!
Student: My new poem of the day:
Oh Mama Oh Mama
I spilled my juice.
I can't find a towel.
But I found a little napkin
in the middle of the table.
I think it cleaned up better than a little towel!