Student has finished her new banner header and color design on her blog. A little conversation and input from Principal can bring a whole new light on creativity. And of course no censoring, as Student creates art with a BANG!
Student was overjoyed to receive a package in the mail from her Metropolitan Cousins. It was overflowing with goods, among which was the backpack she just had to feature in her new banner pic! Don't give a girl a pink backpack and think it's a small deal! Homeschool has changed forever. Thanks and blessings right back to the Cousins!
Inspired by Toddler's Art from Awana, Student created her own version! She included the verse from Genesis 1:11 in cursive on the back. Yes, her happy-self thought she had completed the handwriting, but I noted that she still needed to cite the reference...to this she quickly asked:
"Is there an abbreviation for Genesis?"
Good ol' shortcuts and impatience, she has truly adopted The American Way...
Math test was no big deal, but Student did have fun with speed drills!
Fully enveloped by this beautiful season God has brought upon us, our Science experiement took Student into the leaves! We are charting the changes each hour as she picked 3 leaves to dry. She made her hypothesis of when she thinks they will be fully dry and how they will change in their texture. Can't wait to see her conclusion!
Student: "I think the leaves will be dry tomorrow morning. And they will be not pliable."