Wednesday History continues on through Exodus. Student and Toddler couldn't stop listening and kept asking for more! The 10 plagues of Egypt, chapters 4-12 in The Holy Bible. What a scary time in history, and as for the ending...what a powerful time in history. We are to remember the Passover and celebrate His protection of His people. Many sit back and often wonder why God doesn't perform miracles anymore...then God exposes our blindness and we realize He is working miracles every day! Praise God for His new mercies every morning!
Our life-skills learning today is turning a 2XL prom dress turned stage dress into a princess dress-up play-clothing for Student. Only such a $2 deal would prompt us to do such a work in a house ravaged by a newborn! Well, ravaged by our clutter because we're out of sorts because our expanded family blessings because of a tired Teacher because of night-nursing because of a newborn gift from God. Any questions about our run on sentence? It is all well worth it!
Cursive practice consisted of a letter. A letter to Daddy! What else would a sweet daughter want to tell her Daddy on his day off? What little girl doesn't want to be the apple of her Daddy's eye? Just read this love letter from Student:
Dear DAD,
I love you Dad-
dy. I miss you.
Have a nise day off.
Are you looking forward to something?____________________
Love, Me
What an intuitive girl! She must be awaiting his answer, hence the line, and expecting him to ask just what she is looking forward to...oh what sweet thoughts and expectations only a Daddy can fill. A relationship only God could arrange.
Seatwork fills the empty spaces of our day. And for Student, we delayed it's filler-time as Toddler and she were playing so well with their VW buses and fogging up the french doors to draw their masterpieces on the glass...gotta love homeschool!
Student-learned Swedish Facts: The most popular dala horse is the reddish-brown one. Red, white, and blue and yellow horses with green decorations are found, too.
It's name is the dala horse, because of how it started in the war when the soldiers went from house to house to stay and they carved the dala horses to thank the hosts. This is a legend, only.
My Daddy took wire and bent it into a dala horse shape. And then, we used paper-mache to cover the wire. And now it is drying and wen it's dry we wil paint it.