Our dear sister-friends came to play! Warrior was full of helpful acts and thoughtful questions...
"Do you like Spiderman?
Do you like hunting?
Do you like guns?
Do you like this?"
And her polite 2-year-old answer was steadily, "Yes!".
And her lil sis was the prize of the day for Student. She weighs less than Mascot and is better balanced so Student packed her around from place to place. Loving and talking and hugging on her lil sis all the morning long!
Snack time came and went along with the banana chocolate chip muffins...
Teacher isn't sure what is going on with the steady muffin-making around the Homeschool, but as long as the eating is steady we will keep baking them! Warrior needed time away from the delicate-sweet-flowers playing gently in the Homeschool living room anyway...so into the kitchen he came to stir up a muffin storm!
Thankful for God's provision of sunshine today, Student spent time watering the newest batch of crocus to peak through the soil. Warrior spent time battling trees and toys, aka: bad pirates, in the backyard. It was Teacher who was left to the dirty work. After Principal ate lunch and played baseball with the Homeschool, he headed back to work and Teacher headed out to the hose.
The hose was the cleanest part of the dirty camping bin that had been discovered prior to the last few snow sorms. It contained lost potatoes and swarms of....well, a SURPRISE SCIENCE EXPERIMENT from last JULY! Once discovered, Teacher put it in the freezing outdoors to kill the living surprises that had hatched...so with water, fire and oil, the Homeschool is now ready for the next camping trip once spring hits! As Teacher tries to snap shots of daily activity, the only SAFE & FRIENDLY photo of this excursion was the after the fire and water and oil, as the pans sat quietly in the sun to soak in the oil.
Other safer and quieter happenings of the homeschool today consisted of Bible, Computer and Reading time. Student's latest favorite site to visit has brought new meaning to virtuousruby.
Our day of other-than-book learning was welcomed without grumbling by anyone...
1Peter 4:9
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.