Homeschool spent the majority of the day preparing and tasting the meal we cooked for their family. Prinicipal suggested the main dish: Stuffed Turkey Roll. Warrior helped turn apples into Oatmeal Apple Muffins.
Student helped entertain and distract Mascot so Teacher could accomplish the other meal mates.
When the supper we complete we sent it with love and hospitality without grumbling including a message of love:
Proverbs 17:6
Children's children are a crown to the aged,
and parents are the pride of their children.
Also in the Homeschool day Student learned the ever-so-detailed task of revising! With much delay and angst, her story as follows was complete, with ONE revision. No more, please! Was the familiar plea, oh how Teacher remembers the pain of revising...The main correction was once upon a time, as separate words! So true that when reading, I usually read those familiar words very quickly, and run them together: onceuponatime was quite the compound word before her revising! She then argued that a good story didn't have to have a problem in need of resolving, so she came out on top with this personal narrative!
Snowy Day Once upon a time a snowy day came. The children went to play outside! Warrior was the first one out. Then, me, then daddy. First we had a snowball fight. Dad got me six times! After that we had cocoa. We had a nap, we played pool, we watched tv, and went to bed!
Learning all about graph paper in Math, Student began her line graph on the week's temperature highs. She likes using a straight edge, and since the last wooden ruler at the Homeschool bit the dust (during Warriors ching fighting aka: sword fighting) she adapted with the edge of a Larry Boy dvd. Quite nicely, Teacher must add. A tool is what you make it!
Finishing up a review of the Revolutionary War and the Constitution, we discussed the current event of the health bill passing. Also in the news, this week is Pray for Sudan week. They are preparing for elections and change. May God continue the desire for peace, but above all may every heart present in that land know the peace of Christ and it's rewards! Amen
Reading, what else could fill so much of Student's time? Intently reading through more stories in the 2nd grade Abeka reader, she just had to leave the book behind to catch some sun and skating Activity with the neighbors. Warrior created icecream with his bicycle and all the new sprouts of spring plants...all in a day at the Homeschool.