First things first, Warrior had some people to save while pulling himself along the rope...fabric to some, rope to another. His imagination is growing daily!
It was yet another recent blessing of friends giving us materials they didn't need any longer. Knowing this is God's economy, Teacher remembered that God wastes nothing. He uses it all. He can work good through anything. And that's what He did today!
Student cuddled up on the couch next to the grayed window and read from these 1970s materials. Saying aloud, THESE ARE GOOD! Gotta love all things old skool! Student had some time of peace and rest. It was after the business of traveling Principal back to work, meeting for violin lesson, and taking a trip to the basement for a practice Tornado drill. The Homeschool found solace in our Bible readings accounting some miracles of Jesus. And for snack the strawberries and brown sugar tasted extra-delicious! What love He lavishes upon us! It's been far too long of a winter without the bright sweet little dears in out fruit diet.
It was Student's discovery of glitter in the craft cabinet that prompted her ocean drawing. Plans of where to put the glitter were made, but the coloring went slowly, and glitter will just have to sprinkle another day. Oh to delay the mess, that's ok with Teacher!
Ending the homeschool day with a lesson in the life skills, Warrior helped prepare his requested deviled eggs. Glory to God for all things, even the simple.