In Switzerland a long long time ago. There was an army that took over the land, and a man that became the new ruler. And, he put his hat on a pole and it was in the public square and every one had to bow to the hat. But William Tell did not. So he had to go to jail for a long long time. And so, after that happened he said he was going to let him free, but the next day his son was going to be on one side of the tow square and if the apple on his head was not shot, but his son was, he said he would shoot his son before everyone's eyes. And the next day the arrow given to shoot the child was bent, and it hit the apple instead. Everyone but him was happy. The man thought that he had more friends than he had, so the man went away and the country was free again!
Math had a tall order for Student as she completed 2 pages of seatwork and new ideas of carrying over. Her fun of equilateral shapes expanded her excitement of graph paper! And of course the triangles couldn't just be lonely shapes...Student turned them into a dino!
Self-led Art brought more spring into the Homeschool! Dutch shoes and blooms galore!
Ready for lessons tomorrow with Mrs. S, Student will deliver her full version of Long Long Ago...can't wait to move onto the next song! Teacher thinks everyone in the Homeschool will vote for that!
Computer time was a group effort today as we participated in a Live Online Event. Fun and family go together hand-in-hand! We worked on our family tree. Parts of the game were hilarious, with popcorn popping into the air and sheep running with bowls to catch the flying grain! Other parts were confusing to Warrior, as he had to sort out which grandpa went to which parent...
History in the Bible today was all about transfiguration. From the Gospels, Student reminded Teacher, that many may call them ghosts, but they didn't know what else to call them. They were a vision, like a dream! Ok, no fear here, AMEN! And when we see Jesus and Moses next time, we'll know it's all real, too! Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!
Venturing out in between heaven's showers, during Mascot's nap, Warrior and Student assisted Teacher with some bicycle surgery.
The 16mm wrench just wouldn't budge with the force of Teacher's muscles, though. Oh to have the power of Principal around. Unsuccessful, Student and Warrior opted to finish the afternoon indoors with a little drama of King and Knight with a baby dragon arousing in the cave...
In preparation for AWANA, Warrior made of list of the ways he has loved his neighbor and helped them this week:
Loved Dad and helped find his pool stick
Loved Mom and helped do the dishes.
Loved Student and helped her when she was hurt.
Loved Mascot and kept him safe by holding him correctly.
And congrats to Student who earned her Sparks review patch tonight! Only 4 more nights of Awana before summer break! Let the countdown begin!