Eccles 9:10
"Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might."
Also sending cookies to Pap M and Principal's coworkers, the snickerdoodles and chocolate chip cookies went fast!
Student turned the tables on Teacher and read our first lesson from the Holy Bible today, reading aloud the Gospel accounts of the sower. Teacher picked up with the death of John the Baptist. This was the first Bible Teacher had seen with an illustration, and though it was not in great detail, the blood was evident, and enough for a girl reader, that is!
Writing was timely with the soon migration of the monarchs through the midwest, as Student wrote her butterfly story like this:
Title: Sally's Butterfly
One day Sally saw something. Look! Look! Look Mama?
what is this? oh! that is a caterpiller. Look Sally it crawls. can we pute it in a jar? why yes lets do that yah! the next day Look Wawa at 500! In the morning! What Sally look Look what is in the jar. that is a chrysalis the catapillar goes in and turns into a butterfly! By Student
Finishing up seatwork wih the introduction of subtracting 2 digit numbers, Stduent took quite an extended time to do so. She understood well, Teacher just had to offer some tree-climing time for motivation!
World History brought us to Islam. Teacher thought it disturbing how a first grade classroom would normally be subjected to such a History without the inclusion of the Bible. We went back to the decisions of Abraham and Sarah and Hagar. We also learned about the flag symbols, the solar calendar and the practice of fasting for Ramadan. We both read that not even water was aloud for the month. No food, no water would die! Student and Teacher were just sure that their month must not be as long as ours, but we found that they have 12 months a year and each is approximately 3o days, as well. So, this was confusing. Also learning about their flag symbols and green colored turbans thought to be worn in paradise, the ending thoughts from Student were this:
It's sad that Jerusalem isn't a city of God anymore. Cool that it will one day be the NEW JERUSALEM!
Outdoors in the almost-spring sunshine, Warrior helped collect trash from the foliage in the backyard. He squealed with delight at the presence of the Resurrection Lilies and said, Everything is new!
We began to learn about and prepare the garden. Warrior, under close adult supervision during Mascot's nap, helped with clipping the old vines to make room for the new in the flower bed next to the garage.
Mascot didn't want Student to be the only one reading, so he came inside from the sun to read, too.
Ending the Homeschool day with a wish, we head to the great outdoors yet again, for it was Warrior that got his wish with the beginning of daylight saving time: more outdoor time!