On our list is:
2 families with new babies, a birthday girl, and a birthday boy.
Student gives directions for such Monday Cinnamon Rolls.
Go First Grade Baking Warriors!
First you make the dough, and let it rise. Then when it's done rising, make the glob of dough into two halves, then into fourths. You roll it out. Then you put melted butter everywhere but about an inch away from the edge. And, then, you put cinnamon and brown sugar allover. Then roll the dough up and cut it into 5-8 pieces. And put them into a pan with foil and greased or buttered. Then you put just a little bit if butter on top of each and bake for 15minutes.
Note from Teacher: Not sure when the last cinnamon rolls we made were, but RECIPE needs altering on baketime: 35 minutes was more accurate.
Really, the rolling, the karate chopping, the smushing of sugar, this was a cooking affair worthy of Warrior's help!
As the birthday boy will be joining us for supper, Student set the table extra nicely with her outdoor to indoor center piece of ffresh sprouts and decayed pines.
And thanks to The only God that keeps His promises, Warrior and Student hit the hood hard fighting crime in the sunshine. Rocket blasters in hand, their Activity was full of running, climbing and swinging. Got to love the Homeschool playground! It's a block long!
And did we remember to dig into the books? Well, yes, of course. The May 1st deadline for our end-of-year celebration is fast approaching. And what better motivation than SUMMER?!
Mathematics brought Student into the subtraction family of number 11. She has no problem associating the family of 10 and adding a number to the answer! What a mind created with love from above! Teacher had no such relative thinking in math until college!
Student read, and read some more. As we read our Bible lesson together, she finally stopped Reading and listened to her favorite prable: the Lost Coin.
Warrior sighted his fav with the Shepard and the lost Sheep.
Mascot spent time standing with Student. He and his four teeth are a constant addition to the hip of Student, as her Life Skills and motherly love develop on a daily basis. Thanks to The Lord of Life for granting us another life to care and grow in the grace and admonition of Him.
The Homeschool spent two sessions in special prayer for a friend that had a work accident today. We shall end asking our Merciful Father again:
Lord in Heaven,
You are amazing. You have created each of us with a purpose. You have a list of goodworks You desire to do through Mr. Todd. We pray on his behalf that his life would be spared and he would live to continue on with his family and tell the glories of the Lord in his life. We believe that you command your angels concerning us in ALL of our ways, we ask your angels to stay close to him during his time in the hospital. May the Dr.s look to you for wisdom, as Your Word says yYou give wisdom to any who ask for it, so we ask on their behalf. Lord who loves us more than anything, may Your kingdom be glorified through this accident. Comfort His family we pray, in Jesus name, AMEN,