And Teacher spent the morning sewing...
And Warrior spent the morning fishing...
Then there was Mascot...quiet and content...
It was after lunch with Principal that the Homeachool got to some book-learning!
Beginning with Bible History, we read in the Gospels of Jesus' teaching and many followers as well as the leper being lowered through the roof to get closer to Jesus and ask for healing. Warrior took one look at the illustration and asked if the man on the stretcher had been "...hit by a car?"...and then wondered if esus was going to hit we talked of the healing power through the Holy Spirit given to us, just as Jesus did. And, he proceeded to heal Mascot...good ol' boy. Putting his learning into practice, indeed!
Warrior learned all about number 13 tody. With the help of Sesame Street collection from Teacher's childhood days, thanks Grandmother, he found hidden 13s and learned about Ernie's red balloon disaster!
Right after another chapter in Mattie Mae, Math brought Student seatwork and story problem creating. We used Hotwheels today! If Student has 10 cars and so many go into the field, how many are left at the farmhouse? Student had fun with that! Reviewing 1/3, and 1/4 of a whole group the fractions completed our work. It was outside that we finished with a test and speed drills! Her fastest time of 46 seconds was on her last practice.
US History was read by Student today. We read a narrative of an 80 year-old widow and her trek from one colony to another. It's fun for Stduent to think about times without roads, bridges and cars! What strides have been made in this country, and not by our merit, but the grace and love of God. Thanks, Lord for your constant forgiveness and blessings in this country.