Student continued with temperature and calendar review in Mathematics. She thought the little birdie mouth cute, which reminded her of the <> symbols in her number comparisons. She said she always wondered what those signs on the keyboard were for! Oh the changes and advances of the new generations! And what an intuitive girl to notice her surroundings on a keyboard and not just use the letters. Teacher remembers her Kindergarten teacher, beloved Mrs. Palmer, stating that Student could pay attention to others' situations while fulfilling her duty at the same time...guess she's born and bread for the big sister role! Thanks, God!
Also in Math, her seatwork included this poem which she read aloud. Complete with short pauses for the commas, and beginning with the title. Her oral reading is beautiful.
Jesus, Risen Lord
Jesus, Son of God,
Taught by Galilee.
Jesus, Lamb of God,
Died at Calvary.
Jesus, Risen Lord,
Prays for you and me.
--Judy Howe
Art brought critical thinking to play while Student took a page full of circles and turned them into halves and such for a delightful spring duckie!
Our Bible lesson came to us from the book of Luke. We read of the Prodigal Son, and Student was to note the moral. Something about learning from a scenerio and then putting it into practice makes Teacher realize that NOT only the first grader at the Homeschool can learn from this. How much do we as adults need reminding of this, too?! Oh the little things that matter for eternity, give us your strength, oh God!
Little things like Teacher keeping calm to endure tiring fits of frustration during violin practice. AGain, only by the grace of God do we homeschool. And so we practiced the first lines of Student's 2 new pieces: Morning Has Broken & Alegro. Yes, uncle Toby, that is the Cat Stevens song...can't wait to play it for you! Student, we mean! Her's the first line of Allegro for now...
And Warrior got to hold the remote control while pointing to his lesson parts today. His recognition of body parts brought only these 3 questions:
Where's the waist, palm, and hips?
He confidently pointed to each of the others we named, and wasn't sure he should give the remote back when he was finished... but our talks lately of doing what is right and not what we want, seem to have made a difference today.
Lord, help our children to abide in Your love. Today and forever. Amen.