Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Warrior Tuesday

Warrior had a little oral test today tht challenged his critical thinking, and it goes something like this...

Name something that...
Floats: boat
Swims: person
Slides: person on a slide
Is that correct?!
Squishes: jelly
Cracks: crab
Cools: water
Drips: water
Runs: bathtub
Rolls: wheel
Cuts: scissors
Spins: spinner

Gotta love the Creator's style in differing brains! Glory to God for Warrior's cognitive development! Only His plan is the perfect one.

Student finished Mattie Mae and looks forward to continued Reading this summer. She talked about the book naming Jesus, and how it was good to find that in a book! You know, they are Amish, and so...that got us to talking about their practiced and beliefs, and Student remarked:
I'm glad my parents know Jesus and that they admit when they are wrong so I learn about forgiveness and know we need to do that.

And a Science project that Student began today, will bless the Homeschool for years to come.

Seeds to seedlings to sunflowers!
Student's Hypothesis:
I think it will take 3 days of wetness to bring the seeds to sprout o we can plant them.

So then, Friday, our official last day of school, we'll unveil the findings!

As for other learning, today, Student laid back for some flashcards and painted-pampering!

Studying the travels, imprisonment, and letters of Paul, we are growing in anticipation for the book of Revelation.

Off into the afternoon for park fun with friends, the Homeschool had just one stop to make first...

Babies of furry composition that came with quite the smell! Student held her breath as she showed Mascot the lil guys!

Deut 7:13
He will love you and bless you and increase your numbers. He will bless the fruit of your womb, the crops of your land—your grain, new wine and oil—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks in the land that he swore to your forefathers to give you.

The Homeschool stands on this promise as we see His words are true & delivered even through the winged-creations! Thank you God!

Make a Difference Monday

High winds?


Enough to stop the Homeschool from making a difference in our community for the name of Jesus?


Warrior and Student took turns digging, picking up sticks, pushing Mascot in the stroller and planting bulbs at the local shelter. Thanks to Mrs. Nancy for the iris extras, they now have a new home to bring brightly-colored blooms to all passing by! Making a difference on our official LAST Monday of the first grade year, was a blessing for all!

And to find our way there, Student drew up a map and reviewed her skills and vocab on such matters.

Student completed multiple practices to sharpen her Allegro for tonight's rehearsal, as well. And indeed she is ready! Go Suzuki!

And eading through most of her Silver Sails while Mascot nursed, Student has continued her love for Reading! Thanks, Lord!

Sweet little ladybugs and spring seatwork brought Student's imagination to a new level in Writing today. Her story:

Serena the Lady Bug

Onec a little lady bug named Serena was folowing a map to go to the library!
SHe had to folow E. Broadway St. ontill SHe got to the middle point
of pine and oak and turn! Now she has a book called Fancy Nancy!
The End

Family Friday

No school, officially.

Just playing as a family, and walking in the steps of the Lord
who has gone before us and arranged this community event
to turn the eyes of our local community to Him.

Thanks to Mrs. Heather for her work in a Kingdom class, as well!

I Chronicles 17:8
I have been with you wherever you have gone, and I have cut off all your enemies from before you. Now I will make your name like the names of the greatest men of the earth.

And that's exactly what our caring God did, when we entered the helium rental store and the manager was our old neighbor and he gave us a HUGE tank for FREE! Praise to the king! May our work be YOUR work! Amen.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thursday Art

Art in the morning,
Art in the evening,
Art at supper time!

Art alone,
Art with siblings,
Art with friends!

All the live-ling day the Homeschool worked on a project to further the Kingdom. A community project for May Day. And that's enough to call it Halfies and sit back and ponder how God will work through this event!

Leaving the Homeschool for violin lesson, God provided a break in the rain and a dry ride for travel! Thank you Lord, for blessed neighbors! Student just has to decide which piece to play for her recital next week...decisions, decisions.

Not to forget the play of the day:
Student and Warrior constructed a new toy from the following:
rubber band

And the creativity brought cooperation and hours of bow and arrow hunting-fun!

Wonder Working Wednesday

And why is it Teacher wonders if the lessons are really soaking in? How can Teacher doubt that Warrior is learning as succinctly as Student though he's standing on his head? When he goes around singing about the wonder-working power in the precious work of the power, of the blood, of the work...there's no denying, the Lord is establishing the work of our hands!

Warrior not only sang, but praised the Lord with horns today!

As for the phonetic alphabet, Warrior has chosen a few favorites in his manly alphabet:
P is for Popeye
W is for Wood
Y is for Yo-yo
X is for Xylophone

God continue to show us your favor, and may these children grow in You through their knowledge, and admonition. Amen.

Today was focused on The Word. The Homeschool has found that there is no overwhelming rush to scramble and fit in all the remaining knowledge of a lifetime, in the last 2 weeks of homeschool. Still trying to focus and remember what comes first. Thus, we caught up on Bible History, all 5 lessons! And gazed upon some funnies about figuring just what is in the Bible?!

Thanks to Grammy for some recent Easter greetings of Jelly Telly! This humor is parallel with Student's age and interests right now. And Teacher can't complain when there's not even a purple dinosaur in sight!

Student has been working on reconfiguring fingers and rearranging bows to fit her new, larger and God-provided violin! Readying her working piece for solo recital next Monday, she is looking forward to surprising Mrs. S tomorrow with the rewards of her diligent work.

Mascot has been enjoying lunch as a family. Eating food off Teacher's plate, and having playtime afterwards! Principal rather enjoys midday love, too!

Student reviewed addressing an envelope and sent off the UPCs for Warrior's surprise Toy Story 3 plate. Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee when she offers FREE stuff!

Counting down, daily...
In Christ alone...
The Homeschool perseveres...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday News

News of virtues, sunshine and tests!

Spelling Test: C+

Math Test: Review of Calendar, less than & greater than, measurement, multiplication, double-digit combinations, and story problems with extra information. A+

Speed Drill: Accumulative drills consisting of carrying in addition, subtracting double-digit numbers, multiplication of families 0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11
Student's fastest time was 72 seconds! And it was outdoors, too!

And Warrior grabbed the mail from the carrier and found that his beloved Cubbies teacher had sent him a letter! What joys can be found in the mail!

Cuddling up for Reading, Student and Teacher continued in the historical fiction novel of a dustbowl migrant. Student has learned
some new Oklahoma Slang & Vocabulary:
hightail it
hood ornament

No, Student hasn't forgotten the time in Kindergarten when a classmate went along with an older cousin to see a movie of the same name as one of her vocabulary words. Student and Teacher discussed that God is the Father of Lights, as written in the Bible, and often Satan tries to lure people away from God and into the dark. Children with a fear of the dark, or things that happen in the dark, is one way he tries to rob the joy God gives us. When we are afraid we shall trust in Him, in God whose Word we pray!

Then, Student remembered hearing about some headhunters from a Missionary and how they cut-off people heads and use them as hood ornaments...so that stimulated another conversation.

And that's when Student asked: What got us talking about movies and kids and headhunters when we are reading? VOILA! That's how God designed the female brain, we tend to intersect everything. Men tend to compartmentalize and think of everything separately. We, though, connected the book>vocab>movie>kids>dark>sins>headhunters>hood ornaments and so on goes our brain!

Seatwork to continue her new found knowledge of Roman Numerals, Student has officially had at least an introduction to everything in Math that was on our curriculum list for First Grade! To God be the glory for organizing and prioritizing our time!

Having a picnic at the park was a no-brainer for both the guys and the gals at the Homeschool! Warrior, Mascot and Student all piled into the wagon to roll to the neighborhood park. There, we played with pals and Teacher met with Mentor and read some encouraging scriptures! The sun was strong and we lasted until Warrior and Mascot lay their heads down at home, where the camera rested all afternoon! OOPS!
So, did Teacher mention they were tired?! And so the proof lies here:

The night will be full of fun and energy to run, now that the work is done!

Liberty Monday

Just because the Homeschool had an
ear-infected Mascot
with little sleep,
a frustrated Student during violin practice,
a super-energized Warrior with nobody to battle,
a short-tempered Teacher,
a long list of Principal to-dos,
doesn't mean Jesus DOESN'T love us.
It just means we needed a day to bask in His love
and be renewed in His promises.
Thanks, Lord, for your second-chances, and true offering of rest.

Homeschool resumes tomorrow.

Fast Friday

Over the river
and through the woods...
Away they went to Grammy's.

Proverbs 16:31
Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.

Praise God for the generations before
and their blessings galore!
Thanks Grammy & Papa Randy for sharing
your lives and love of Jesus with this younger generation!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Thursday: Feet off the Ground

Up and down, around and around, where our feet pedaled us, nobody knows!?

Who: Student and Teacher

What: unlikely event of a morning excursion

Where: from the homeschool to the local donut shop

When: 7:00am

How: with feet pedaling and bicycles rolling

Why: to surprise the boys with some morning goodies,
think of others first,
have some communion with the Lord in His beautiful morning,
get some girl time,
make our hearts happy with a 2 mile ride

After returning back to the homescool, Student continued work on her current families of multiplication... and then it hit.
suddenly, too long...
and her morning activity caught up with her.

To bed, to bed. Fast asleep in her parents' bed. And what a catnap of beauty rest she had!

To follow:

Reading the promises of the Bible to Warrior.
I want him to be in heaven where I'll be.

And a trip back downtown with Warrior and Mascot to see a local star...

And a trip to lesson with Mrs. S, accepting the blessing of the new violin! On-loan and in-her-hands! God has answered our prayer for the larger sized instrument that Student's growth was requiring! So with much thanks, and praise to a God of details, delighting in giving Student her heart's desire because she delights in Him, we finish yet another day in His plan.
God is faithful! Amen.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Interrupted Wednesday

It's true, the learning of complete sentence structure was upon us, but it was Student that suggested today be the day! Through a God-interruption, that is!

Student separated the subject from the predicate, and viewed one of her fav old skool house rock videos! Really, God's timing is perfect because Teacher wasn't looking forward to this lesson, and with the contagious enthusiasm from Student it was a rather fun experience! Oh, Lord, how patient You have been with us this year. Thank you for reminding us that the Grammar and Language are second to the relationships we are building with You and each other as a family.

Student filled her arms with a fresh load of books from the local library. Immediately upon our return to the homeschool, she escaped to her room with her newest treasure in hand: Fancy Nancy Bonjour, Butterfly.

Teacher had her chance to read as well. Student chose a historical fiction journal from a dust bowl migrant. And also on our pile, we read Here Comes the Garbage Barge, base on a true story which showcases fabulously creative art from Red Nose Studio. Also we enjoyed There Was an Old Monkey Who swallowed a Frog. We must have done as much reading as the Oregon Steiny Homeschool! Whew!

While Student, having her mid-morning snack on the porch, noted the chirping of the breeze, Teacher found the homeschool to be quite quiet.

Suspiciously quiet...
and the search was on!

Where could Warrior be? Mascot was fast asleep in his crib. And Warrior? Well, in bed because he said he was cold! Thus Teacher knew the ordinary daily experiments would have to take a hiatus, as something was fishy. Alas, a fever was brewing, and he spent most of his ibuprofen-filled day in bed. Blessings of restored health to our Warrior. Amen.

Mathematics continued Students introduction to multiplication. She wrote the facts for the 3s family, and explained how she figured each correctly the first try! Again, props to the God of grace for granting Teacher a daughter who enjoys Math and has such a gift for the subject!

Squeezing in violin practice, Student gently swiped the instrument from the grasp of one certain excited Mascot...

and memorized the finger positions for her working piece. (No, Mrs. S, we don't make a habit of this sharing with Mascot...) Student now works on the ever-familiar transition from fingers to bow, go! And we shall see what tomorrow holds!

May the God of Lights bring us more sunshine and interruptions to our schedule of life. To Him be the glory forever and ever, Amen.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tuesday Roll

Just like the old skool when we opened that fresh canister of film and couldn't fathom the possibilities we could capture with just a click...Student walzted through the yard to find 15 different blooming varieties of God's beauty ever-present in the earth. A true celebration of the new season He has brought. A truly unfathomable outcome from the hands of a first grader.

And the roll drops...

This was an encouragement to bring her out of bed early. Listening to the birds praise Him, feeling the morning sun, Student became a fan of God's creativity! As though she didn't already have a love for color and visual arts, she has now a new appreciation for these that God has given.

This collage had to endure bits of cropping, unlike the above raw shots, but is the result of her Spring Scavenger Hunt. From the outdoors, to the indoors: a transformation by Student.

Reading, Math, and Language seatwork, violin, hospitality toward Warrior's playmate, Art, Geography, and a day of homeschool was made.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday of Prayer

Encouraged by the faith of those God has placed in our path, the Homeschool stopped to pray throughout our Monday. Prayer for those who encourage our walk with Him. Prayer for continued strength and choice of trusting in Him. Asking the Lord to turn His ear to us, and hear our caring prayer for our dearest infant friend Dylan. May This King of Kings continue in His loving ways of turning every detail into a blessing of hope. Amen

Warrior was willing to share his new Spider Man multiplication cards with Student. This was a recent pick at the local DOllar Tree and the timeing couldn't have been more arranged, as the last of Student's Math is to introduce multiplication. Principal and Student have already had times of sharing the 10 and 11 families. As today was dedicated to 0, 1 and 2 families. Student was hungry for more asking when we could work some more?

Reading 2 more chapters of Mattie Mae, seatwork for Math, Bible History and Life Skills, it was a day of entrapenural enginuity at the Homeschool. Student figured out that a good way to reuse the Easter baskets would be filling them with the forgotten but scattered toys on the living room floor.

In our Respect Cleaning before Principal's return from work, Mascot insisted on pulling the cover off the chair in the living room. And since the older kiddos have heard more than once that everyone in the family helps when it's time to show Principal respect for his working to care for us, they laughed at Mascot's contribution! At the same time, noting that he'll have his turn to help more once he walks outside of that walker!

All together now, we utilized the baskets and cleared the way for a creekside family walk.

Thank you Lord for asking our obedience in this homeschooling task.
We pray that we continue to learn throughout these last few weeks,
and into the rest of our lives. Because we stand firm on the truth that you love us
and will never leave us, we rest in You tonight. Godbless the Jameson 5. Amen

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Family Friday

Student awoke from her night of star-gazing with Principal, and dug right into the Search for Santa. Auntie Barb gifted the kiddos this HUGE pad of look 'n' find games and they have enjoyed it off and on since Christmas, and it may last until next December! Warrior loves to find with student, too. He looks on the picture list and she uses the written list, so they each have their own agenda but on the same page!

Reading a chapter from Mattie Mae, Student read Topsy-Turvy Day. Here's her summary:
Well, Mattie was having a kind of hard day. She went down to the farm to have some time to think and she was sad that she couldn't find her kitty. But when she found her act, it had 2 kittens! That's what was happening when she couldn't find her cat! Yes, that she was becoming a mama!

It was up to Warrior to protect the Homeschool while Student completed her Reading. And so with the princess tied up in ropes, and a fire lit, he spied a good look with the binoculars, and he was going to have to risk it. Risk his life to save us. So Warrior said his goodbyes, prayers...thank you God for swinging in the backyard, Sister's pretty dresses and dolls, wash my sins away. Amen...and parted with such sweet sorrow.

In the tub and practicing her Life Skills, Student helped balance Mascot in the bath.

We read the last of the parables and talked about their morals. Student connected with the bridegroom and the 10 maidens story. 5 foolish and the other 5 wise and prepared for the return of the bridegroom. Our talk continued onto remember Ravi Zacharius' quote of another speaker that we heard this week...
"Take care of the body as though you may live forever. Take care of the soul as though you may die today." Insight from the mouth of our Studen- babe: We don't know when He is coming back for us, but get to know Him now and He can know your sin and forgive them when you ask.

Mathematical games and puzzles brought a review today. And other than this indoor learning, Principal took Student outdoors for some learning. Golfing in the Midwestern breeeeeeeeze! Connecting-time for Principal and Student two days in a row! She loves this time with Daddy, and after a night under the stars together, noting their Heavenly Father's creations in the night sky, what little girl wouldn't be on top of the world?! God is good to bring us such care through Principal. Intentional love, that is what we fell in the Homeshool today, for a family Friday!

Thursday Prayers

Lord above,
We pray that the gifts and talents You placed in our children will be released to find their fullest expression in glorifying You. Amen

Gifts and talents within Student obviously include creating of art, crafts and all things collage-based. She can compile an arrangement of all things separate and result in a single masterpiece! Today, however, she had to share her gift and talent with not only Warrior, but a special guest.

When Teacher was small, she would stay overnight with a young girl from the neighborhood. She would not accept being last, so Teacher had to continually fight the urge to continue to put her company first and herself last, with the expectation Jesus would return soon and Teacher herself would then be first!

Well, Jesus' timing is perfect, and having not returned yet, Student finds herself in the same predicament! Johanna is certainly less of a challenge than Warrior, but Student persevered and kept calm about continually coming in last throughout the crafting, racing, swinging, playing and snacking! God teaches us so much through relationships, and we thank Him for Student's friend Jo.

Also sharing with Warrior, the Play-Doh gave Student the opportunity to teach and share. Instructing Warrior on how to make a sphere. So fast an furious he went...

And out popped the creations! Warrior's ball didn't survive long, but Student's figure was safe in her hands!

After finishing time with others, Student finished the day with time and space to herself. Math, Reading, Bible History, and Language, did however, share her attention.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday Can Do

Added to the I Can list for Student's first grade year:
I can name and show you where the oceans are.
I know where South America is, and Brazil.
I can find Kansas on the globe.

Student also added to her Geographic knowledge today the location of the following:
Appalachian Mountains
Rocky Mountains
Mississippi River

Warrior wanted to find Egypt, and sighted the Red Sea. Student, reviewing other world facts, it is amazing to remember starting this first year journey and her excitement of a real globe in the Homeschool! Oh how the time has flown! Oh how the blessings have overflown! Praise to you, Lord of all! During Bible History today, the two were discussing who they'd see in heaven and which jobs they hope to have!

Phonics brought a Spelling review of special sounds throughout the year..and yes, it was rough:
Student's seatwork helped to reinforce these special sounds. She would much rather learn something new, but so go the lessons of perseverance. Slow and steady wins the race, little one!

Preparing Blueberry Bang, and some cards for our beloved pastor's 60th bday, Student and Warrior created cards from their fav papers on-hand, and stickers, too! Nothing like Thomas the Train to deliver a bday greeting!

Mascot entertained himself by peering out the backdoor at the alley cats, while Student and Warrior took recess out doors.

They were in denial of the weather change from yesterday's 80 degrees to this day's 50 degrees. So with shorts with flip flops and coats they ventured out for a friendly game of tic tac toe.

History brought the story of the Bald Eagle symbol, and other eagle facts from our recent library picks. Student also fit in subtraction flashcards for Math, and a time of imagination in her room.

Warrior has been fighting the whines through his 4th round of antibiotics. And in a moment of energy explosion, he wanted to make a sack mask...oh the creativity at the Homeschool! Well, at least we waste not, and want not by creating with whatever pops out of the craft cabinet...or the utility cabinet, it goes both ways!

Reading in preparation for AWANA tonight, Student began her new Hiker book. Smiling and jewel-filled, off she goes. What love the Father has lavished upon us to bring this family a true princess.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tuesday News

Praising God for the Homeschool's camera return, we are putting it to good use, with the wrist-strap tightly attached! Here's Student's proof-of-spring photography...

Student read from our History lesson on Ellis Island in the front yard. Distractions of green and oxygen and sun surrounding her. Another benefit of our first year attempt to obey in the education of His blessings, and a grrreat one it is this time of year!

Continuing around the yard and into the day's lessons, Student picked up the violin and played her two working pieces and took another stab at note-reading. Trying to seperate, dogs eating, fat cats in alleys, and all that in her brain...and Teacher's as well, we survived.

Warrior experienced a right-of-passage on the backyard swingset today before his naptime: pumping of the legs and independently swinging!

What joy that boy held, and what contentment he displayed all through his afternoon of the wind in his hair...(which he has announced he wants to look like Larry from the 3 Stooges, thanks, PapaD!) It was his naptime words of wisdom that brought out his frustration with life: I don't like temptation! As he tries to quit the thumb habit at nighttime, Teacher understood.

Student broke through to yet another test and set of speed drills in Math. She worked through her Language seatwork outdoors as well as drafting this story for Writing:
Big Fish!
Hey I'm going fishing! It is fun! What is it? Fishing is you have a fishing pole put a worm on it and catch!! The End

She was determined to finish the story before coming to the end of the space provided! That she did, and her printing was so neat that Teacher didn't comment on the length!

Off to soccer practice we walk. Finishing the day with MORE Activity for young hearts, and a stop at the creek on the way home!

Monday Madness

Finishing Student's History requirements, we began a fictional book of a journal from boarded passenger Sara. A character traveling from Armenia to America. Her journal is written to her mother who died before they escaped the killings in their homeland, and the font is similar to a hand-written cursive. There are excerpts intermingled from actual historical immigration employees, immigrants and Ellis island commissioner.

At Ellis Island, A History of Many Voices by Louise Peacock.

WOW! It seemed so interesting and better than a text book, to Teacher...it was not so for Student. Interestingly, coming to the end of our first grade year, our first attempt in homeschool educating, this was our first encounter of Student kindly lessening her enthusiasm for a topic and asking when she could go outside to climb trees. What a girl, knows her likes and dislikes, and freely can display them without a lesser grade or doing so because it's the popular view among her peers at her table. Ok, Homeschool freedoms allow lack-of-enthusiasm, and so we'll see what tomorrow brings when we finish up our Ellis Island lesson. Teacher can leave it and pick it up some rainy day this summer and see what has changed and grown in the interests of Student at that time.

Reading is usually easiest to accomplish, with Sudent starting and finishing chapter books by the day, her pick was her Easter gift from Grammy:
A Little Faith, Precious Girls Club book I.

iPod math brought smiles and couch curling for Student. Practicing double-digit combinations she provided the sums and differnces with a smile. Reviewing calendar facts, we called it done!

Lessons from Bible History included both Lazarus and the Rich Man, and The Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Student and Warrior listened while Mascot beat the book with excitement for just a taste of the paper!

Activity comes in most days, now that God has delivered the spring season.

Bikes, swings and trees are tirelessly toppled by the Homeschool. And in these activities, and all to come, we humbly pray:
May there always be a Holy Spirit fire in our children's hearts and an unwavering desire for the things of God. Amen
Stormie Omartian

Friday Holiday

Preparation for Sunday, the day of celebration.

Family, the Living Word, and a whole lotta color and chocolate, the Homeschool can't wait to celebrate the living Savior!

Friday was needed for Sunday to happen, thanks Jesus.
