Enough to stop the Homeschool from making a difference in our community for the name of Jesus?
Warrior and Student took turns digging, picking up sticks, pushing Mascot in the stroller and planting bulbs at the local shelter. Thanks to Mrs. Nancy for the iris extras, they now have a new home to bring brightly-colored blooms to all passing by! Making a difference on our official LAST Monday of the first grade year, was a blessing for all!
And to find our way there, Student drew up a map and reviewed her skills and vocab on such matters.
Student completed multiple practices to sharpen her Allegro for tonight's rehearsal, as well. And indeed she is ready! Go Suzuki!
And eading through most of her Silver Sails while Mascot nursed, Student has continued her love for Reading! Thanks, Lord!
Sweet little ladybugs and spring seatwork brought Student's imagination to a new level in Writing today. Her story:
Serena the Lady Bug
Onec a little lady bug named Serena was folowing a map to go to the library!
SHe had to folow E. Broadway St. ontill SHe got to the middle point
of pine and oak and turn! Now she has a book called Fancy Nancy!
The End