Student read from our History lesson on Ellis Island in the front yard. Distractions of green and oxygen and sun surrounding her. Another benefit of our first year attempt to obey in the education of His blessings, and a grrreat one it is this time of year!
Continuing around the yard and into the day's lessons, Student picked up the violin and played her two working pieces and took another stab at note-reading. Trying to seperate, dogs eating, fat cats in alleys, and all that in her brain...and Teacher's as well, we survived.
Warrior experienced a right-of-passage on the backyard swingset today before his naptime: pumping of the legs and independently swinging!
What joy that boy held, and what contentment he displayed all through his afternoon of the wind in his hair...(which he has announced he wants to look like Larry from the 3 Stooges, thanks, PapaD!) It was his naptime words of wisdom that brought out his frustration with life: I don't like temptation! As he tries to quit the thumb habit at nighttime, Teacher understood.
Student broke through to yet another test and set of speed drills in Math. She worked through her Language seatwork outdoors as well as drafting this story for Writing:
Big Fish!
Hey I'm going fishing! It is fun! What is it? Fishing is you have a fishing pole put a worm on it and catch!! The End
She was determined to finish the story before coming to the end of the space provided! That she did, and her printing was so neat that Teacher didn't comment on the length!
Off to soccer practice we walk. Finishing the day with MORE Activity for young hearts, and a stop at the creek on the way home!