Spelling Test: C+
Math Test: Review of Calendar, less than & greater than, measurement, multiplication, double-digit combinations, and story problems with extra information. A+
Speed Drill: Accumulative drills consisting of carrying in addition, subtracting double-digit numbers, multiplication of families 0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11
Student's fastest time was 72 seconds! And it was outdoors, too!
And Warrior grabbed the mail from the carrier and found that his beloved Cubbies teacher had sent him a letter! What joys can be found in the mail!
Cuddling up for Reading, Student and Teacher continued in the historical fiction novel of a dustbowl migrant. Student has learned
some new Oklahoma Slang & Vocabulary:
hightail it
hood ornament
No, Student hasn't forgotten the time in Kindergarten when a classmate went along with an older cousin to see a movie of the same name as one of her vocabulary words. Student and Teacher discussed that God is the Father of Lights, as written in the Bible, and often Satan tries to lure people away from God and into the dark. Children with a fear of the dark, or things that happen in the dark, is one way he tries to rob the joy God gives us. When we are afraid we shall trust in Him, in God whose Word we pray!
Then, Student remembered hearing about some headhunters from a Missionary and how they cut-off people heads and use them as hood ornaments...so that stimulated another conversation.
And that's when Student asked: What got us talking about movies and kids and headhunters when we are reading? VOILA! That's how God designed the female brain, we tend to intersect everything. Men tend to compartmentalize and think of everything separately. We, though, connected the book>vocab>movie>kids>dark>sins>headhunters>hood ornaments and so on goes our brain!
Seatwork to continue her new found knowledge of Roman Numerals, Student has officially had at least an introduction to everything in Math that was on our curriculum list for First Grade! To God be the glory for organizing and prioritizing our time!
Having a picnic at the park was a no-brainer for both the guys and the gals at the Homeschool! Warrior, Mascot and Student all piled into the wagon to roll to the neighborhood park. There, we played with pals and Teacher met with Mentor and read some encouraging scriptures! The sun was strong and we lasted until Warrior and Mascot lay their heads down at home, where the camera rested all afternoon! OOPS!
So, did Teacher mention they were tired?! And so the proof lies here:
The night will be full of fun and energy to run, now that the work is done!