Warrior not only sang, but praised the Lord with horns today!
As for the phonetic alphabet, Warrior has chosen a few favorites in his manly alphabet:
P is for Popeye
W is for Wood
Y is for Yo-yo
X is for Xylophone
God continue to show us your favor, and may these children grow in You through their knowledge, and admonition. Amen.
Today was focused on The Word. The Homeschool has found that there is no overwhelming rush to scramble and fit in all the remaining knowledge of a lifetime, in the last 2 weeks of homeschool. Still trying to focus and remember what comes first. Thus, we caught up on Bible History, all 5 lessons! And gazed upon some funnies about figuring just what is in the Bible?!
Thanks to Grammy for some recent Easter greetings of Jelly Telly! This humor is parallel with Student's age and interests right now. And Teacher can't complain when there's not even a purple dinosaur in sight!
Student has been working on reconfiguring fingers and rearranging bows to fit her new, larger and God-provided violin! Readying her working piece for solo recital next Monday, she is looking forward to surprising Mrs. S tomorrow with the rewards of her diligent work.
Mascot has been enjoying lunch as a family. Eating food off Teacher's plate, and having playtime afterwards! Principal rather enjoys midday love, too!
Student reviewed addressing an envelope and sent off the UPCs for Warrior's surprise Toy Story 3 plate. Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee when she offers FREE stuff!
Counting down, daily...
In Christ alone...
The Homeschool perseveres...