Reading a chapter from Mattie Mae, Student read Topsy-Turvy Day. Here's her summary:
Well, Mattie was having a kind of hard day. She went down to the farm to have some time to think and she was sad that she couldn't find her kitty. But when she found her act, it had 2 kittens! That's what was happening when she couldn't find her cat! Yes, that she was becoming a mama!
It was up to Warrior to protect the Homeschool while Student completed her Reading. And so with the princess tied up in ropes, and a fire lit, he spied a good look with the binoculars, and he was going to have to risk it. Risk his life to save us. So Warrior said his goodbyes, prayers...thank you God for swinging in the backyard, Sister's pretty dresses and dolls, wash my sins away. Amen...and parted with such sweet sorrow.
In the tub and practicing her Life Skills, Student helped balance Mascot in the bath.
We read the last of the parables and talked about their morals. Student connected with the bridegroom and the 10 maidens story. 5 foolish and the other 5 wise and prepared for the return of the bridegroom. Our talk continued onto remember Ravi Zacharius' quote of another speaker that we heard this week...
"Take care of the body as though you may live forever. Take care of the soul as though you may die today." Insight from the mouth of our Studen- babe: We don't know when He is coming back for us, but get to know Him now and He can know your sin and forgive them when you ask.
Mathematical games and puzzles brought a review today. And other than this indoor learning, Principal took Student outdoors for some learning. Golfing in the Midwestern breeeeeeeeze! Connecting-time for Principal and Student two days in a row! She loves this time with Daddy, and after a night under the stars together, noting their Heavenly Father's creations in the night sky, what little girl wouldn't be on top of the world?! God is good to bring us such care through Principal. Intentional love, that is what we fell in the Homeshool today, for a family Friday!