I can name and show you where the oceans are.
I know where South America is, and Brazil.
I can find Kansas on the globe.
Student also added to her Geographic knowledge today the location of the following:
Appalachian Mountains
Rocky Mountains
Mississippi River
Warrior wanted to find Egypt, and sighted the Red Sea. Student, reviewing other world facts, it is amazing to remember starting this first year journey and her excitement of a real globe in the Homeschool! Oh how the time has flown! Oh how the blessings have overflown! Praise to you, Lord of all! During Bible History today, the two were discussing who they'd see in heaven and which jobs they hope to have!
Phonics brought a Spelling review of special sounds throughout the year..and yes, it was rough:
Student's seatwork helped to reinforce these special sounds. She would much rather learn something new, but so go the lessons of perseverance. Slow and steady wins the race, little one!
Preparing Blueberry Bang, and some cards for our beloved pastor's 60th bday, Student and Warrior created cards from their fav papers on-hand, and stickers, too! Nothing like Thomas the Train to deliver a bday greeting!
Mascot entertained himself by peering out the backdoor at the alley cats, while Student and Warrior took recess out doors.
They were in denial of the weather change from yesterday's 80 degrees to this day's 50 degrees. So with shorts with flip flops and coats they ventured out for a friendly game of tic tac toe.
History brought the story of the Bald Eagle symbol, and other eagle facts from our recent library picks. Student also fit in subtraction flashcards for Math, and a time of imagination in her room.
Warrior has been fighting the whines through his 4th round of antibiotics. And in a moment of energy explosion, he wanted to make a sack mask...oh the creativity at the Homeschool! Well, at least we waste not, and want not by creating with whatever pops out of the craft cabinet...or the utility cabinet, it goes both ways!
Reading in preparation for AWANA tonight, Student began her new Hiker book. Smiling and jewel-filled, off she goes. What love the Father has lavished upon us to bring this family a true princess.