Today marked the beginning of our Bible History. We began with a short history of the Old Testament, which we drew our dictionary search words from:
Ark of the Covenant
Student and I had the opportunity to study God creating in Genesis. One of the questions from our lesson was asking about who was present during creation. Another delt with the timing of creation...when did it happen? Was God before and after creation? Her eyes were so big when she described the big bang theory, and how silly it was to think that something just came from nothing. Like a big gust of wind just brought it and it was there and we just live and then one day the world is not here anymore.
Well, her thoughts brought the opportunity for us to discuss purpose, and why we have work to do while we are on Earth, and the focus of this not being our permanent home. What a big Student...what a brain from God...what a precious creation she is, I am honored to be her teacher.
Computer time came both alone and paired with Toddler. Student completed asteroid math focusing on subtraction and skip-counting. And then came her escape...
Violin lesson was today, as well as girls-afternoon-out! A friend came to spend time with Student and together they went to lesson, shared in conversation, art and baking. They created a scrumptious supper for us, as well as this artwork that included a card from Student and her friend. Student's card reads:
"Dear Mom, I love you. Plese help me no wat is best for me."
Yes, she blessed my day. No, my eyes aren't dry.