Our Bible Time Lesson was detailing the steps of bathing and swaddling a newborn. God's timing is soooo perfect! We talked about the differnces, however, of the swaddling blankets then and now...no strings attached these days!
The focus was on the big sister and all the help and pride she feels from helping the mother with the "man-child"! Student had fun picking out her key words and writing them along with her first lesson in cursive handwriting! We are only doing her name in cursive, as she has some more practice to do with her alphabet prior to cursive. But, when the excitement is present, teach, teach, teach!
We also reviewed counting by 2's to 100 on paper and out loud. Computer time will finish up this Monday of summer school.
Student: I like homeschool. It is fun. I like counting by 2's, and my computer time is fun.. I have a new Webkinz pet named Emerald. I liked to swaddle up the baby-doll. That was fun, too. My hypothesis about why the mom's used salt on the baby, was to keep the baby from sucking his thumb. But, really it was to help keep the baby dry in the swaddle cloth.