Math has given much practice for penmanship! Even the numbers have a way of getting progressively BIGGER throughout the course of a lesson. And wild numbers?! Yes, those numbers keep getting wild and appearing backwards...Student figured out in a hurry that if she turns her paper upside-down, then a backwards 3 is instantly correct!
Along with oral counting of yo-yo's on our finished garland, numbers have been all around today. Each made a hypothesis as to the total number of yo-yo's, and Student guessed in the 50's family, and Pupil guessed in the 40's family...and the final count was 75! Our counting by 2's was really confusing the Toddler, though.
Pupil has gotten much joy from finishing his Summer reading goal today! Student will be ready by tomorrow, and we shall have a trip to the local library to turn-in our logs. Now, Toddler is another story...he rarely sits to read unless he is tired. So, we'll just keep him awake as long as it takes to finish his last 7 books!
Yes, we are on Earth, today. But where are our brains? In outer space, of course!
Student: I learned about space. It was fun, my favorite part was learning about how many moons there are and moon families. My 3 favorite planets are Jupiter, Mars, but my favorite is my home, sweet, home, Earth! The sun is a star, I knew that, but not about a black and cold sunspot. The hot, fired gases are orange. That's all I need to say!
Pupil: My favorite part about space was learning about asteroids. One can be big like a mountain, one can be small as piece of dust. They go around the planets quickly. They are a family with the sun. And that's all I have to say!