Student created a puppet theatre today. We reviewed our Literary terms from our Literary Thursday Lesson blogpost. And, this girl student remembered well, but couldn't keep her play under 5 minutes for a video post! Really, if there are characters to introduce, an antagonist to overcome, and a resolution ...well, you see it is all fun, but long! So our family will enjoy some live entertainment once Dad returns!
The puppets are colored oh-so-beautiful with colored pencil that we couldn't get to come through in the picture. But, the characters are full of expression, as Student loves the extra sessions on Veggie Tales videos that teach one to draw the characters. She has had lots of practice!
Our morning 1 mile ride brought us to the local library and we have filled our cabinet with all new books. Toddler was pulling books out ready to get reading right when we returned home. And taking turns with Student, we read a small portion of our pile. Cuddly and warm... not too many times can a Teacher safely read that way in school... just another blessing God has given us through our adventure in homeschooling.
Afterwards, time to splash in the backyard and soak up some sun, our summer day was complete!