Student loves Art soooo much, we have tried to schedule Friday for a project each week. She is quick to remind me just what day it is!
Today is a Friday that includes a Birthday Party for the Toddler! So, their chosen media was colored pencil! The poster board of firedog quickly became a rainbow of colors!
We talked about figures, and proportion. They understood the "HEAD" rule pretty well. And this figure, firedog, is 2.5 heads tall!
Math manipulatives and inches closer to our reading goal, these Summer school days are truly buzzing right by!
Outer Space, here we come! Our 100 facts about space begins today...I wonder which they remembered?
Student: I learned about when the sun, moon and earth, line up together...eclipse. And the sun is made of lots of burning gases, and it is not solid. Deep in the middle of the sun is a ball of energy that goes to the surface and moves to the surface and shoot burning rings into space...called prominence.
Pupil: I learned about when the sun and moon line together with the earth. That is called an eclipse. We wrote them on our paper. The sun is a star.