Today was almost our first sick day. With a Teacher tiring faster than usual, and breathing treatments every 3 hours for Student, we fit in just a little homeschool today.
Really, her attendance record was the only thing that she didn't master last year, at Christian School. With her tendency to have a lung infection with each cold, she missed 23 days just in the last 9 weeks! Now, at home, we can do just what there is energy for, and pass the rest onto a day when breathing treatments don't make our schedule for us!
In between resting, and meds, Student worked on life skills today: just one of the grrrreat benefits of homeschooling!
1- Cooperating with Toddler to create a Lite Bright picture
2- Measuring and mixing brownies to enjoy
3- Cleaning all of the gathered dust in her room
4- Entertaining herself with drawing while Teacher has to be on bed rest
5- Multi-tasking
6- Recycling & reusing what we have to embellishing a project to coordinate with the color scheme in her room, as anything having to do with fabric is a valuable life skill!
Student was able to multi-task and practice her skip-counting while dusting. We squeezed in counting backwards, as well. Ending the day with outdoor activity time at the park, we are looking forward to rest for all tonight!
Student: It was fun, but a lot of work to fill in the whole clown picture. The hat was lots of lights working together to make one big color.