We should be posting the stats that I have heard most teachers I know quoting on rainy days like these:
"It is proven by research that change in the barometric pressure results in change, and wacky change at that, in children!"
Our Bible Time lesson was telling about hospitality in wealthy homes, of that time. Each drew 6 small pictures of what was described in the story, to help us remember the details. This was a welcomed break from handwriting key words, and sentences! We will be practicing our hospitality tonight when Cousins come over for a sleep over!
There is a bit of sadness, however, as our last lesson from our Bible Time manual was today, and finishing it is bittersweet, at least for Student. We will carry on with Bible each day as our History, chronologically, beginning with Genesis tomorrow.
The rain brought a cool breeze for our lunch picnic, and the shade was oh-so-un-July!
Friday has proven a good day for projects, and trying to stay in that habit, today is salt dough day. We made a 3D model of the Earth and once it cools from cooking, we'll paint on the layers. We made a diagram to denote what each color of layer stands for...what smart first graders! We even have our own song to remember the layers! These kiddos are super!
Pupil: I learned about the solar system and the word I live in. It was in the inside. No, we don't eat laying down at our house, lie the Bible Times.
Student: I made a diagram. It's name was: Earth's Layers. I felt the dough for our Earth ball had texture from the salt. Can't wait to paint it!