More Space facts entered the brain, today. Space Math and Reading were included, as well. Student read from #3 in our Sesame Street Series, for adults to read to tots...and she finished the continuation of the Penelope story in #4 volume. We had these books when I was a kid, and NEVER did I read them as quickly as she does. Praise the Lord for her love of reading!
We began our Old Testament History today, with The Children's Illustrated Bible. Maps and timely drawings galore!
This will cover much of the needed History lessons for our first semester, and part of the second. I still haven't figured out when we'll break for American History, it is just a short amount that is required for First grade, not to mention she knows much of it already. But, with the Abeka background Student has, she has fulfilled much of the first grade requirements, and so we are working on second grade also, just to keep up with schedule of her Christian school, if The Lord's plan be to send her back next year.
Introduction to The Bible, was our first lesson, which introduced Student to her Bible Dictionary. We get to look up a few words from our lesson, prior to reading it, to get a preview of our lesson. Today's dictionary word list:
Student looked up and read the definition to each word. She seems to enjoy this challenge.
We also covered the dead sea scrolls, first Bibles printed on papyrus papers, (which we have a papyrus plant on our side porch, so now student wants to try to make paper:)
and the first authorized Bibles, and the story of the King James version.
Student: I like learning about space.
I learned about some stuff in the Bible. There are 66 books in the Bible. Generation by generation, mouth by mouth, teaching their child, to child, to child, tis was the time when the Bible was not written, so the stories were told this way to their children's children.