The source: God
The channel: Oregon Homeschool
Student dug into the books and spend an hour in The Rooster Crows. Her favorite rhyme: Teddy Bear Teddy Bear...and so we put the new jumprope to use and tried the skipping rope rhyme out! Student has been keeping a jumping rope chart this week, and so we just got extra practice! Ans since our newly acquired skills weren't much to post in a video, we posted some inspiration for our future practices!
Really, when the Math curriculum says it's a NEW CONCEPT, Student complains that she already knows it. She keeps wondering when it's going to get harder...guess God gave some a love for fractions, and Teacher should be thankful! As she is a breeze to instruct, there are no complaints here! We brought Warrior into the money lesson today, and all went well with the coins and bills.
In her daily chores, Student has moved up to the level of folding her own clothes, as well as her familiar putting away in her room. She was enthusiastic in her FIRST load, and Teacher can't wait to show her the new machine workings! She'll be ready to move out in no time! Oh, wait! There's still finances, cooking, driving, and so many more lessons from on high before that time comes...and so the learning continues!
(If Teacher can get through the finance material then it should begin as soon as Warrior's health unit is complete next week. But, these plans have been laid since Teacher's hope is in the Lord!) AMEN
Warrior really was present today. Handwriting, Awana memorizaion, Reading NUT and WET and working yet more on his name...the camera just missed out on him today. Maybe since he missed his routine nap, he was quite the mover and shaker...thus the camera wasn't fast enough to catch him!
Mascot, on the other hand, is a roamer. A wanderer content in his aiding the others with learning and then discovering the big backyard all on his own.
Lord in heaven,
may a deep reverence and love for You and Your ways color everything our children do and every choice they make, and every path they take. Amen
Stormie Omartian, Power of a Praying Parent