A week ago, hmmm, what WAS going on...
Oh, yes, Teacher remember Tuesday as Bedschool Day!
Warrior and Student promptly began their days with life skills. Having their beds made, teeth brushed and clothing on, it made for a nice gathering in Warrior's room for Bedschool Day.
Reading, praying for our country, and math complete with manipulatives...
Mascot on the other side of the room, he and his baby got along quite well.
Cooking up muffins, of the gluten-free variety for Student's enjoyment, the Homeschool learned in a fruity environment of bananas AND strawberries!
Still using the broken SALT shaker that Mascot dropped, Teacher knows that our treasures are in Heaven, and is trying to GET OVER it's broken lid!
Enough muffins for even Principal to enjoy, it was break-time and to recess they went!
Finishing up our lessons and beginning Social Studies in the back yard in the playhouse, Warrior enjoyed this new addition to the Homeschool.
As Warrior completed His health unit this week, he began Social as well.
Onward, to the finish line goes the Homeschool! Thanks, God!