First, a one-seater, then a two-seater.
Then, they stood on the skateboard and called it PLAYING VIDEO GAMES! Oh, how sweet it is that their version of gaming involves aerobic activity! Love those children's brains from God! Amazed, yes. Surprised, no. Everyday Teacher sees their brain in new light, and what an image of the Creator. In all things, may they glorify Him.
Inventing new games during recess was just the beginning of the fun! The Homeschool traveled to the church's local carnival!
From bean bag tosses...
to prize-earning directions...
The Homeschool had their share of fun, and then some!
Amidst the Bible lesson, Health unit, Handwrting and Phonics, the Awana scripture verses arise. Warrior is more interested this year than last. And what a growing season he is in. Calling his weekly time SCHOOL, he prizes his time with Mrs. Gilmore. Thanks to God for good friends and good teachers to trust the kiddos with.
From the backyard, to the classroom, He is with us where ever we go. He commands His angels to guard us in all of our ways, and we are thankful. Amen.