Really, it was the thought of Student that the Homeschool would follow the year-round schedule of Cookson Hills. She thought it attractive to have breaks more often, and less downtown in a row during summertime.
It was Principal, however, who couldn't see a second grader willingly giving up much of a summer day once the summer day was in front of her...and so we met in the middle! WELCOME BACK HOMESCHOOL! One week off and back at it again!
We are truly an established school, as Principal installed our very own pencil sharpener!
It's a year and then some that we have dealt with broken pencils...but Warrior may of had more to do with that, since naturaly, a pencil makes a great arrow to catapult at siblings.
Teacher spent the last week preparing for a barn sale, and thus can't find the camera, in all the leftover sale items that haven't been sorted through. So as soon as the camera is found, there will also be a picture record of the happenings at the Homeschool.