At the neighborhood park. With friends and a surprise visit from Principal, the morning came and went with much rowdy outdoor activity in the middle.
Home and filled with apple slices and almonds, the Homeschool dug into the books...and the metal! Thanks to Principal and the newly-installed washing machine, our metal workboard has been rediscovered! Warrior and Student helped Teacher create the beginning, middle and end sounds to form words for Warrior to READ! Yes, it's official, WARRIOR IS READING! ( And on the same right of passage note, Mascot is walking!) He feels so big, and Teacher takes no credit but that God is establishing the work of these hands. Warrior has been so eager for so long, and the decision to begin preschool with daily lessons was for him was only because of his desire to learn! Thanks, God!
And his illustrations in his Reading notebook are coming right along, as well. Today's picture depicts: Dad had a van. And the picture is the best Teacher could muster... as the camera is still MIA.
Also, notice the new banner atop the Homeshool blog? Thanks, again, to our Principal. He incorporated the drawings of both Student and Warrior. What a HERO he is!
After Math, and talk of money and 3D shapes, Student was instructed to read only ONE story in her Abeka Reader, and AFTER her summary was complete, THEN she could finish the other 10 stories! And so she did:
Maisy Mous
Maisy mous saw Tom cat was gone.
she went to the tabel and eat. she eat to much her belly hurt.
she thought she could take a walk but she did not see Tom cat!
she jumped into the hole! home at last.
Alas, the worst thing Student's mind is WRITING, and so Principal issued a decree insisting that more take place, and KAZOW! Just like that, Student's penmanship increased much! And as she read the story, the grammar was correct. So funny how the brain makes the connection between the written and the spoken. Thanks for all 5 senses, God. We shall use them more oft!
Blessings through our Bible lesson of twin boys today, and the unfaithful parenting styles of Isaac and Rebecca. All we know, is that Warrior & Mascot enjoyed the Bill COsby selection before nap, and the more books we read, the more their naptime decreases! Not sure if this is their motivation, or not!
Finishing up those verses for Awana tomorrow, the Homeschool prays that each child will guard their eyes, heart and ears. May that which God loves, they, too, grow to love. Amen.