To the park they go.
Each on two wheels, helmets atop heads,
and feet cycling with excitement...
and the geese joined us!
Warrior demonstrates his skills for some newcomers to the climbing wall...
Student works on her ever-developing mothering skills, and she does so with such grace...
The park equipment was only fun the Student had...
Her jumping rope chart topped out with 7 JUMPS today.
We'll see what the rest of the week brings!
Knowing that the day is passing, and seatwork is calling,
the Homeschool headed home...
One block in 10 minutes isn't the usual travel speed of Warrior, however, his back tire was drastically flat. It was just another bolck further that God arranged a couple out on their porch for an afternoon sunning. We kindly asked and they kindly offered their air compressor. Really, the details, Lord, thank you for your care!
It was just two blocks further that Warrior's tire was completely flat, again. Not taking our usual path to the park, the Homeschool ended up in the front yard of some family from church.
Why did this path get taken?
Why were they home and offering to take the kiddos in the van with their bikes home, while Teacher and Mascot rode home solo?
Why did the most giving people of the whole town have a home on 5th street?
Because God is good, and this is part of the good
He brings in all situations not-so-good! Praise Him!
Back at the Homeschool...
Reading is always a part of Student's day.
With Warrior...
With Mascot...
With a book for sure, and anyone else who will join the fun!
ascot joined the Math fun, as even his little hands love the manipulatives!
Student continued with her solid shape learning, and reviewed
Using her fraction language, she had learned quarter til/after last year, but her brain had a hard time remembering it, and she added the half fraction to the mix, also. This was frustrating, but she persevered and agreed to work on it daily.
Bible lesson in Genesis, still. Warrior wondered about Joseph and his brothers... he really doesn't understand the thought of a parent loving one sibling more than another. PRAISE GOD!
And when talking of the food Joseph was instructed to store-up for the famine, he wondered about our pantry storage in the basement!
But if we open our food, the spiders will be in it! They will want us to share!
Blessings of daily renewing of the mind through the learning He has established with our hands. Amen.