This was true of the Hoemschol's hospitality offering today,
as we received more blessings than we gave. Even so, for Larry Boy sitting on the sidelines awaiting his call for help!
Experiences in this world are always used and spent in thorough ways,
as God wastes not in His economy. Through the unexpected death of a family member of friends, the Homeschool offered a day of hospitality and received a day of...
Helpful hands...
Creative Cooperation...
Just for the record, YES, duct-tape jewelry is a FINE impromptu Art lesson!
Collaborative Efforts...
Even in the bathroom, they all figured out a way to be together!
With only a few hours together, the Homeschool was thoroughly blessed by the presence of the twins and their big sis. It was the evening that brought reminiscing of the day's affair along with a mouthful of Student's gluten free butterscotch chocolate chip cookies. Mmm, mmm good. God knows how to sweeten our days in more ways than one. Thanks, Lord.