The greatest of these...
Not such a BIG word...but a BIG act...
Teacher is familiar, all too familiar, with the ways God gets her attention. Not mentioning things once and expecting her to GET it...but, rather, three times firmly stating in love to her, what needs to have her attention.
First, it was a song that quoted the scripture of '''doing all these things without love, it is vain...
Well, it then came through the Wednesday morning study for women that Teacher began and the kiddos had an opportunity to have a playdate.
Beth Moore, said " Control-freaks don't have fun they have fits!"
Then, the financial studies of next weeks curriculum prompted, "A child is a trust. We are stewards of our children's lives for a short time".
Well, third time, we are NOT out. With God, the graceful parent, we can try again. It's the schedule. The rigid schedule that Teacher was JUST thankful the homeschooling didn't for...but easy to slide into. When the pages are not passing but the hours are, a feeling of failure, NOT from God, can creep in. So, to reject that, in the name of Jesus, and REALLY get what God brought to the plate of the Homeschool, Wednesday was full of love. A lesson well-taught and well-learned all the days of our lives. Both this one, and the next!
Warrior & Student had a small Health lesson, focusing on posture and how good/bad habits of posture affect the rest of our bodies. Also, Warrior's BIG OL' Safety Cards for Health focused on Breakfast as the most important meal. Student really enjoyed the amazing detail in God's creation of humans: the equal measurement of the finger to finger span and the vertical height!
And after playdate, the Homeschool hosted our new Hoemschool Pal Haley, for lunch. Well, the spinach dip, fish cakes, and fresh veggies were good, but it was the Jolly Rancher Popsicles that brought the smiles!
Smiles show that people feel loved. Teacher gets smiles from feeling loved by the Heavenly Father, and so she will focus on passing that love on in the daily work of the Homeschool.