It was true and now it's almost over!
The weeks are passing and the Homeschool is traveling through
under the shadow of His caring wings.
Student's steadfastness in her devotional time is growing. Warrior, however, is really four. When instructed on the importance of time with God, he said I HATE IMPORTANT THINGS! Yes, he knows we only HATE evil, but again, his four-dome shines through, and Teacher relates!
Bible studies remain in Genesis and have progressed to the tower of Babel in ch 10 & 11. Warrior completed his seatwork on the subject, with added alphabet flair, and Student drew her version of the tower.
She talked of gems, gold, and ivory. All used selfishly, as earthly treasures on the tower for personal glory, instead of God's. Her detail was amazing. That artist is blooming!
She compelted her second speed drill and test set today. Her fastest speed drill was the final of four at 32 seconds! And her test was a 100%. Really, educating at home is such a blessing to teach to mastery. Oh to eliminate the frustrations of students that DON'T get it and the teacher HAS to move on, due to state regs of covering so much material, and 25 OTHER students who may be ready to do so...that was the story of Teacher's student experience...usually the LAST one to GET it!
Off the shelf came the BOOKBAG. These beginner reader books are for Teacher's worktime. Taking care of the Homeschool's nest and cooking and such, the kiddos gather together and listen and point to the words. Student LOVES, double, L-O-V-E-S to read, (as she just finished James and the Giant Peach in 2 days) and will even do so to help a superhero out!
Another love of Student's is fabric! This was a welcome addition to her Spelling studies, today. Using her finger, she would spell each word on her current list and earn the new prize of the day...
Just ask Warrior about the new prize, the substitution for chocolate chips that are the usual motivation to get through seatwork...REESE'S PIECES...
However, Warrior decided he would rather stick with chicky chops...he means chocolate chips.
And, to finish the daily work of a superhero, Alpha matching completed the day at the Homeschool.