With Student close-by to report when Warrior was overcome by temptation...he sometimes needed help NOT PEEKING!
At the table and finishing up her Science seatwork, Student and Warrior have been learning about healthy food choices. What entertainment to hear Warrior try to place his meals in the right groups...Hmmm, chicken must be in the chicken group!? And Student played detective to spot foods high in minerals and just which energies the body uses first!
Grandparent's Day along with the celebration of Mascot turning ONE, this weekend will be full of family and fun! With this in mind, the Homeschool determined to finish their work before lunch and take a bike ride to visit Great Papa Marshall during his long day at daycare. His wife has a full day of errands, and so he goes to the local Grandpa and Grandma house to spend the day.
Warrior stopped twice on the bikeride there, to ask just
Teacher, taking the time to listen and respond to God's appointment, Warrior all-too-soon was distracted with talk of jet packs and rocket-speed flying. However, Teacher's heart is warmed as is God's, that this wee one is listening to the measure of truth instilled in his heart by his Maker.
What laughs the Homeschool brought to the workers when they handed out candy to our curly-crew and their imagination turned rolling carts into club houses! Note to Teacher: MUST THINK LIKE A CHILD MORE OFT...
Great Papa Marshall doesn't talk as much as he did in his days of ministry, but his words are still so wise and encouraging. He shook many-a-hand at the daycare and brought smiles with his uplifting spirit. He is a gem, and Heaven will certainly rejoice when his time comes to join the New Jerusalem.
Sneeking into the weekend, Student begins her first gymnastics class. Cartwheels, here she comes!