September first, marks the beginning of National Courtesy Month. So the Homeschool extended it's hand to offer courtesy and hospitality without grumbling to our Grandma S2.
Student made her favorite 7-layer dip. She says THIS is how it's done:
Warrior, with MUCH energy, set the table to prepare the lunch area. He also helped place the food on the buffet, and since it was lunch time and NOT Supper, he was extending his regular chores and offering such hospitality knowing that a gift was on it's way! Can't guess what else would motivate a 4 yr old to do EXTRA chores...
Grandma S2 had pre-warned Warrior that a set of Army dudes and vehicles was coming his way. Loving vintage toys, the Homeschool still has yet to set up the 65 year old Lionel Train that Grandma lovingly passed on to us. Warrior is counting the days to it's set-up!
As for the Army soldiers, Mascot tried his hand at battle, too.
Bringing new books to gift Student, Grandma S2 expanded the Homeschool's collection of Robert Munsch books. Student promptly finished lunch and asked to be excused to her quiet reading getaway: her parent's bedroom!
Warrior is steadily increasing his preparation for reading, and he worked on his vowels today. Visually identifying them in a word, and singing about, here goes, with the assistance of Student!
After our company left, and Warrior laid down for nap, Student did lend a helping hand and courtesy to help Teacher decorate for the new Season God has graciously relieved us with. Autumn decor went up and Student also wrote and painted about it:
I've Seen Fall!
Fall is one of my favorit Seasons!
I think fall is fun 'caus yo can...
find laevs
& play in them
& save them!
P.S. I love Fall!
Thanks be to God for His mercy and the cooler temperatures and influx of color in the world around us. You are good, God. We love you because You loved us, first! Amen