Teacher had begun the day with high expectations of CHECKING OFF THE LIST! Which goes to show, that our plans, when differing from His, can never accomplish as much.
Flag salutes complete, with the usual disagreement of WHO holds WHICH flag...
that means somethings going to start... assured Warrior, as Bible lesson began in Genesis with creation. And what did God do on the 7th day of creation, His rest day?
Sat in his throne and listened to the birds...
What did He do...He doesn't sleep!
Warrior's first day of seatwork...he was so big!
Trying to find the floor in Student's room, proved to be better received when done in 15 minute increments. Trying to relate life skills and courtesy month, it's certainly respectful and courteous to one's family to keep a room in good condition!
Student continued reading her current library pick and journaled as well. Devotions is a welcomed time in her day. Not necessarily the same time each day, but certainly a regular event. Way to grow, Student!
Warrior's phonics has moved onto sounding the beginning, middle and ending of the single syllable word. M says mmm for "MM!" the pouty noise that something isn't FAIR! Funny, boy!
Each and every Spelling, Health and Bible lesson blends the kiddos to learn together. It's been fun to see how they transition from self-lead to group work!
Lord, we trust You with the work of our hands. Amen.