The perfect chapter book has been written, and Student now holds it in her precious hands!
Mattie Mae is a welcome addition to the Homeschool library. After months of searching through chapter books full of catty-girl behaviors, boy-focused school days and selfish sibling-disrespect, Teacher befriended Mattie Mae.
Student was delighted with the new reading material and sat to read the first chapter, immediately cuddling beside Mascot in Teacher and Principal's bed, and beginning chapter 1: Here's Mattie.

Reading aloud of a first-grade Amish girl and her lessons of respecting others, accepting differences in others and loving family, Student recorded her findings in her journal.
Mattie, Hannah, Mom, Mammy, Lizbet, Brother BenjyWhat:
had to walk on a cold day to payWhere:
poor family...(wondering if Student interpreted where as were...anyhow...)When:
don't knowWhy:
had to pay HannahAnd with the welcome subtraction of yet another tooth, Student studied the intricate God-design of teeth! Seeing how far up the front teeth have to come down, increased her patience in waiting for her next adult tooth to show itself. Good ol' Science bringing patience, got to give God credit for that! Science for Toddler, however, is aching for some rocket action! He's been asking about making a rocket, so we'll give it a try before the week ends. Maybe it'll be the boy part of our Vday party. Who wouldn't want to see the
love rocket blast off?!
Toddler also piped up with excitement about the library puppet show today. We traveled the 1/2 mile there and were laughing out loud through the whole presentation! When Mascot wasn't chewing his shoe, he found pleasure in the puppet action, too. Student laughed louder than anyone in the audience! Maybe she is related to Teacher?!
Toddler spent time preparing his newest-learned verse for Awana. Yes, he said it alright, but it was the scavenger hunt in the apple tree practice that brought him to life! Asked to find 3 specific objects and return them to the dump truck, He didn't have to go far because every item Teacher prompted him to look for was right on the floor! That's where they are easiest to find, but not easiest to dodge when rushing to the bathroom. However, when he was instructed to see if he could put them away fester than he retrieved them, he in fact mastered that by dumping the truck right back onto the floor. Yep, that's the floor's life here at the Homeschool.

We just kick the mess out of the camera lens to help
encourage our homeschool documenting. This blog is a record of our daily learning, that is required by the state. Teacher records the accomplishments and praises the God of second-chances along the way! It's the discouraging times we leave behind each day so as
NOT to be overwhelmed with each new day we are given to try, try again.
Thanks to God for His new mercies every morning, without them, the Homeschool would fail. Amen, He is good!Student spent much of the afternoon hours of Toddler's nap as a Design Consultant. She aided Principal in the latest freelance project for an upcoming midwest run. She told Principal her thoughts on the color schemes and NOT to change certain elements, and they cooperated in the work.

It was Math that needed the extra pick-me-up today. Student decided to spice-up her seatwork by checking for Principal's gene that may have been passed on to her: ambidexterity.

Disappointed with the fruit-filled chocolate pieces, they laid and witnessed a successful experiment. Two-handed Math!